Matthews was prolific but floated under the radar most of his career. His poetry collection, An Almanac for Twilight, has one of my all-time favorite titles. Robert Nagle of Poisonville Press maintains a site in Matthew's honor: www.ghostlypopulatio...


"Red Harvest" was serialized in four installments from 1927 Nov to 1928 Feb in " #BlackMask#Pulp#Magazine#PoisonVille#Gangsters#Police#Gang

Black Mask covers Art by Fred Craft
From left to right titles of the covers:
Issue 1927 Nov. No title
Issue 1927 Dec. "Hard Rock"
Issue 1928 Jan. "The Fifth Loop"
Issue 1928 Feb. "The Nineteenth Murder"

RED HARVEST, by Dashiell Hammett, takes place in Personville (sometimes pronounced Poisonville), a disguised Butte, MT. In one of the earlier Barks duck stories, Donald's home was given as Burbank. I like that because I feel like I was born close to Duckburg.RED HARVEST, by Dashiell Hammett, takes place in Personville (sometimes pronounced Poisonville), a disguised Butte, MT. In one of the earlier Barks duck stories, Donald's home was given as Burbank. I like that because I feel like I was born close to Duckburg.


Your fat chief of police tried to assassinate me last night. I don't like that. I'm just mean enough to want to ruin him for it. Now I'm going to have my fun. I've got ten thousand dollars of your money to play with. I'm going to use it opening Poisonville up from Adam's apple to ankles. Red Harvest


"Poisonville," as Dashiell Hammet called it.


Dashiell Hammett termed his book an “action-detective novel,” but it was much more than that; in describing the Continental Op’s attempts to clean out “Poisonville” of gangsters and corruption, he managed to capture something essential about how American entrepreneurism could bend to darker ends.Dashiell Hammett termed his book an “action-detective novel,” but it was much more than that; in describing the Continental Op’s attempts to clean out “Poisonville” of gangsters and corruption, he managed to capture something essential about how American entrepreneurism could bend to darker ends.

The Strange Cinematic Afterlife of ‘Red Harvest’
The Strange Cinematic Afterlife of ‘Red Harvest’

Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest was published in February 1929, an auspicious moment in American history. The glitter and rot of the Roaring Twenties had reached a crescendo; by October, the Wall St…


“Poisonville is ripe for the harvest. It’s a job I like, and I’m going to do it.”


That place must be such a dirty, cop-and-mob-run little town. Poisonville.


11. Dashiell Hammett, Red Harvest a nameless detective comes to "Poisonville" and is drawn into a web of corruption, crime, and cover-ups as he sets out to bring a kind of justice to the city. definitely one of the best mysteries I've read, esp. for its interest in social/economic context.

cover of RED HARVEST, by Dashiell Hammett.