New cross-cultural study (N = 24,009; 42 countries) finds more support for social identity theory and social dominance theory than for system justification theory. By 🧪

System Justification Theory (SJT) is a thriving field of research, wherein the primary questions revolve around why individuals and groups are motivated to see the systems they depend on as just, fair, and legitimate. This article seeks to answer how accurate the postulates of SJT are when compared to competing self-interest claims of Social Identity and Social Dominance Theory. We addressed the ongoing debates among proponents of each theory by identifying who, when, and why individuals decide to system-justify. We used data comprised of 24,009 participants nested within 42 countries. Multilevel models largely supported the competing claims of Social Dominance and Social Identity Theories over SJT. The most robust findings were: (1) greater objective SES was associated with greater system justification; (2) the consistent positive relationship between subjective SES and system justification was partially mediated by life satisfaction; and (3) both ends of the political spectrum were w

I may regret this, but I also have no discussant/chair responsibilities, so if any panels in polpsych / public opinion need support, happy to help.


Warily broaching polpsych of ID threat for some Jewish Americans. Want Israel to be essentially good, empower/embody Jews, provide safety. Israel is self-destructing (& betraying) that cultivated image, incl w/ them, but US Jews are still hurt when allies decry it (& ofc many don't feel conflicted).


A hope explanation of system justification The more women believe that their outcomes are getting better in a status system, the more they support that system. 🧪

We examined whether women’s support for gender-based pay inequality (i.e., system justification) might be explained by hope. In particular, we considered whether such hope is likely prompted by positive temporal comparisons: It is entirely possible (even if previously untested) that the more women believe that their outcomes are getting better relative to what it had been at some point in the past, the greater their optimism about a better gender-based outcome could be, prompting women to support the systems that permitted such advancements. These central propositions were derived from the social identity model of systems attitude (SIMSA) and were corroborated in a correlational study involving 611 female healthcare professionals (Study 1). Study 2 (213 Italian- and 79 Spanish-women) offered a conceptual replication and extension of the evidence from Study 1: It showed that inducing positive temporal contrasts caused women’s hope for a better gender-based outcome in the future to incre

It's polpsych heavy.


ehemalige kommilitoninnen sind journalistinnen arbeiten bei der pisa studie oder promovieren in polpsych und ich bin in fucking rastatt gelandet ahahahha in fuckint rastatt