The Prophets Of Addiction video premiere is currently the


"Der Prophet in diesen Tagen, ihr wisst schon, wer das ist. Das Geschwür in meinem Magen, nennt sich Journalist..." 🎵🎶🎵


QAnon, on top of its other faults, has homogenized the conspiracy theory space, filling it with the ugliest allegations possible while sanding down all the edges to make it palatable to sundowning boomers. It's a sandwich with no dressing. So of course I celebrate this new entry into the field.

Operation Michael is designed to undermine the anti-Woke Right. It's a damn shame Trump has been pulled into this, probably on deliberately bad advice. It's already a live active measure now and mostly unstoppable.
Here's how it works:
Most Americans, even Catholics, don't know anything about Archangel Michael except in a very vague sense. I grew up Catholic. Michaelmas was not a thing, ever, with any Catholic I knew.
So now Michael idolatry will be a big thing for our side, and the Theosophists will fill in the details of what it means for most broadly ignorant Americans to mislead Christians further, particularly toward war and violence.
Meanwhile, since it's a dialectical attack, the Left will use it to characterize Trump as a religious warlord type, fitting the worst of the Operation Christian Nationalism motifs. Because of the Left/Right dialectic in play in the op, we'll all be forced to take a side or dip out into irrelevance (with respect to the op).
Theosophists have a very particular and evil interpretation of Michael as the bringer of the new age and the driver of human evolution, which they explicitly seek to control. He is the bridge and mediator, for them, between the figures of Christ, Lucifer, and the Zoroastrian demon of chaos and division, Ahriman, whom they regard as equally sacred parts of a triune whole.
The spiritualism of this occult religion is already completely infused in your children's schools through Social-Emotional Learning, which came from the Fetzer Institute. The Fetzer Institute is an occult Theosophical nonprofit based upon channeling and summoning Michael in order to bring in the next spiritual age of humanity (Aquarius). They say so explicitly.
Elements of this view will be sprinkled in in various subtle ways, never openly invoking Lucifer or Ahriman but only their "positive"-seeming attributes, to ensnare good believing Christians and new Christians who lack the needed discernment to avoid being taken astray. Michael Flynn's Christian Nationalism has been appealing to Michael in the exact words of Theosophist Claire Prophet for years, leading unassuming Christians to repeat her incantations word-for-word in mass groups as a prayer. Beyond heretical!
This is serious. The cult that controls the world and the Left believes in this occult religion and will certainly co-opt the Right into a dialectical foil version and partial spiritual contamination. It's also covered over with the fingerprints of a counterintelligence operation we should be very slow to trust.
We must be more careful. We must also find out who fed this idea to Trump and expose the bad actors and dangerous fools in his circle. This is no coincidence.

after rigorous testing we were unable to get "is wario a libertarian" to breach a single pages worth of argument, thus falsifying the untrue words of the pagan prophet and once again proving the superiority of the joyful science


It's often pointed out (at times disparagingly?) how - compared with contemporaries the magus of Fort Worth, who might disregard any backing rhythm or melodic structure with growls & Texas honks, or the prophet of Long Island, with keyboard runs, clusters & chunks - Eric was less "out there": 1/

Eric Dolphy - Inner Flight I
Eric Dolphy - Inner Flight I

YouTube video by MonkeyIslandBlues


quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️


That is it for the day for videos. Enjoy the latest Ultima VI The False Prophet PC Walkthrough release. Yes the trip to Minoc via walking is fun and I did get one thing done. I am going to work on this Ultima 6 optional dungeon video.


Here is my latest Ultima VI The False Prophet video. It is time to go to Minoc and get the Mantra of Sacrifice:

Ultima VI The False Prophet PC Walkthrough Part 17 Minoc and the Mantra of Sacrifice
Ultima VI The False Prophet PC Walkthrough Part 17 Minoc and the Mantra of Sacrifice

YouTube video by Lord Fenton Gaming


An ancient God's spirit doesn't disappear but it's staying upon the body, that's why he can see & talk to Merlin & of course Corellon knew Merlin as the demon prophet lol