it may just be me, but I find the "standard" way of generating cross-referenceable figures, tables, and code listings in #QuartoPub to be overly constraining.


having started to write an exam using these (where everything is a figure), my recommendation is for everyone learning cross-references in #QuartoPub#fig if you want it [โ€ฆ]


4/ {grateful} can also be used with


followup to myself: today, I discovered div syntax for cross-references, and it seems to work properly in pdf also. For those following along, you can do ::: {#fig-graph} ```{r} ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + geom_point() ``` A scatterplot ::: (with as many code chunks as you like)....


Using Quarto in VScode since...ever, and only TIL about the Quarto shortcut for adding new code chunks on VScode (command + shift + I) ๐Ÿ˜… #quartopub#vscode#python#datascience


I also decided to experiment with the new closeread Quarto extension to create a scollytelling version of this visualisation! ๐Ÿ“Š Explore:

gif of scrolling through visualisation

GPT-4o can turn an image of text and math equations into a Quarto document ๐Ÿคฏ , Melissa Van Bussel tells #PositConf2024#GenAI#LLMs#Quarto#QuartoPub

Image with handwriting explaining the sample mean, including the equation
Prompt for the LLM: Convert the text in the image into
a Quarto document, using
format: html, and keep the
same text formatting (bold, italic,
underline, etc.)
Resulting Quarto document:
format: html
# The sample mean
If a sample of $n$ observations on variable
$X$ is taken, the sample mean is given by
$$\bar{X} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i$$

Future of PDFs: Quarto can now generate PDFs without Latex! It does this by using a new markup-based typesetting system under development called typst. "You can produce really beautiful PDFs" Charlotte Wickham tells #PositConf2024#QuartoPub