Heading home from #RSS2024Conf in Brighton after 4 days immersion in all things statistical. The derelict pier is perhaps a good analogy for a lot of data infrastructure - no longer fully functional but still serving a purpose, and its replacement already seems antiquated

A derelict pier out at sea beside a beach

The three amigos of official stats

Me, Scott and Jen
1, celebrating the contributions that don’t always get celebrated or taught

Altea at the podium in the main hall

It's the last day of RSS Conference today! I'll be speaking in the "Schools, outreach and the digital world: how can we deliver statistical and data literacy for all?" session at 3.20pm in Oxford Hall! Come along to hear about engaging young people in statistics and data! #StatsEd#RSS2024Conf

screenshot of text reading 15:20-16:40 Thursday, 5 September, 2024, Oxford Hall. Schools, outreach and the digital world: how can we deliver statistical and data literacy for all? The work of the RSS Education Policy Advisory Group (EPAG) seeks to improve the quality of the teaching, learning and assessment of statistics and data. It aims to influence education policy to ensure the curriculum is relevant and engaging, to support teachers to teach statistics and data science, and to support people who are not in formal education to be statistically literate – to ensure they have the skills to interrogate and navigate the world around them.

Is the English Premier League competitive? Find out with statistics. #RSS2024conf

Two slides with the title 
Is the English premier league competitive?
Presented by Nial Friel – University College Dublin

Data arising from sporting competitions provide an abundance of interesting statistical challenges, from both a modelling and an inferential perspective. This talk will explore some of these challenges, including the
question of how to cluster and rank teams (or individuals) based on pairwise comparison data. That is, when the data consists of the outcome when pairs of teams (or individuals) play against one another. A particular example will illustrate a modelling framework that can be used to assess how competitive the English Premier League has been over the past 40 years.

Love this from David Spiegelhalter’s talk at #RSS2024conf on communication of information

Onora O'Neill
Information should be.....
• Accessible: people can find it
• Intelligible: people can understand it
• Useable: it answers their questions and concerns
• Assessable: it can be checked and explained

I had a lot of fun running this "Introduction to machine learning with {tidymodels}" session today, and it was great to see so many people attending! Slides:


“Pick up your statistical telescope to let people see the truth” ✨ says Harford #RSS2024Conf


Back here hopefully for good! Blame it on keynote on Being a data detective 🕵️

Two beautiful, smiley ladies taking a selfie at conference hall