I find it... tragic, when ppl who need a cent/left progressive govt the most, get all 'I just can't vote for (centrist/left) cand, because they let me down on this single issue... when not voting for C/L means they contribute to the elxn of the RWNJ cand, who will destroy their life in major ways


There was no way for the Supremes to draw a bright line between Whiny Liberal Michael Moore making a * movie about The Evil Bush Family, vs Whiny RWNJ Haters Citizens United making a ** movie about The Evil Hillary Clinton, vs NYTimes and Fox News having editorial opinions. * pretty good. ** bad.


Shame there's no time machine to show him that photo when he was claiming to not even be right-wing, let alone a RWNJ.Shame there's no time machine to show him that photo when he was claiming to not even be right-wing, let alone a RWNJ.


FML I didn't realize iHeartRadio was owned by the RWNJ behind Clear Channel, now iHeartMedia, this whole time. I just started resharing podcasting links through them. That's out now. Fuck those guys.


Oh, wow. Thank you for the link! Sadly, that's no longer exceptional fringe lunacy, it's just garden-variety RWNJ prattle.


On weekends I will go back to my feed on the other site (for sports stuff, since few sports journalists are here), and it is mind-boggling why any legit journalist has replies turned on. The top 20 comments are all “verified” RWNJ calling them liars, or worse. There is no discourse, only toxicity.


Alex is gonna write a book about the Biden Admin, but instead of being published by Penguin/Random House (or whichever it was who canceled his book deal) it’ll be published by Regnery and will contain the quality of information one expects from that RWNJ publisher.


Remember folks, when you get those RWNJ culture warriors who absolutely can't stand an inclusive "Happy Holidays," let them know they've won the culture wars and give them their hard-earned win. This winter, if somebody picks a fight over "Happy Holidays," you wish them a "Happy Easter" instead. 😇


It feels like an eternity,Hayward. Before trump, families and friends were able to have different political affiliations and get along. Not with these RWNJ hateful extremists.