📚💙repost with your five favourite reads from this year 1. Deserto dos Tártaros - Dino Buzzatti 2. Polícia da Memória- Yoko Ogawa 3. Terráqueos - Sayaka Murata 4. Homem Só - Christopher Isherwood 5. Vidas Secas - Graciliano Ramos


Como va a caer jueves si cae Domingo de Ramos y eso sólo pasa cada 3 veces que pasa el cometa Halley en su conjunción por saturno?


andrew y yo decidimos abrir una florería a la vuelta de la tienda de té. el lugar es acogedor y lleno de luz, con paredes de madera clara y un aroma a flores frescas. tenemos ramos vibrantes de colores y plantas que llenan el aire de vida. El local se llama Purple Petals. #yumevecindad


2021 #ART#IJWBS#Diego#Miguel. This is when I began to attempt (haha keyword) to diversify my OC's so they don't look the same. Also a "Somos" fanart which became a creativity seed.


Celebração e Diversão Dia do Comerciário no Rio tem várias atrações gratuitas Unidades do Sesc de Copacabana, Tijuca, Ramos e Madureira vão promover atrações de 19 a 21 de outubro. Parque Madureira vai receber shows de Filipe Ret e Glória Groove


some of the art i drew for perfworld week early this year ⚜️🥼 #jpedraws

A black line drawing of Lysandre and Professor Sycamore from Pokemon XY. Text on the top reads "Day 1 - Travelling" and text at the bottom reads "Jpegurl." The two are sleeping in airplane seats. Lysandre has his arms crossed and head turned towards Sycamore. Sycamore is leaning his head on Lysandre's shoulder and his left hand is holding Lysandre's right hand. In the row behind them a little girl is asleep with a Chikorita in the seat beside her. Outside of the window clouds and two Jumpluff are visible in the sky.
A black line drawing of Professor Sycamore from Pokemon XY. Text at the top reads "Day 2 - Grief" and text at the bottom reads "Jpegurl." Professor Sycamore sits in a red chair at a red café table resting his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands. An empty red chair is across from him. A coffee cup sits in front of Sycamore and another cup and a Mega Ring sit in front of the empty chair. Beneath the table is a large empty hole.
A black line drawing of a Litleo and an Espurr. Text at the top reads "Day 3 - Pokémon Battle" and text at the bottom reads "Jpegurl." The Pokemon sit on a rug. The Litleo is on top of the Espurr, playfully biting its ear and holding it down with two paws. A speech bubble with a happy face is above its head. The Espurr is quivering in distress with tears coming out of its eyes. A speech bubble with an upset face is above its head. In the foreground, Professor Sycamore and Lysandre's hands are visible and raised in concern.
A black line drawing of Professor Sycamore, Lysandre, and Ramos from Pokemon XY. Text at the top reads "Day 6 - Ace Attorney AU" and text at the bottom reads "Jpegurl." Professor Sycamore is on the left behind a defense attorney's stand wearing a blue suit resembling Phoenix Wright's from Ace Attorney. He is shouting with his arm outstretched and finger pointing. On the right is Lysandre behind a prosecutor's stand wearing a red suit resembling Miles Edgeworth's from Ace Attorney. He has a serious expression and his hand slammed down on the stand. At the top Ramos sits behind a judge's podium wearing black robes.

Tem alguns ramos da sociedade que não podem cometer o mesmo erro que outros, ninguém deve assediar ninguém, mas, quando o ato é cometido por um padre/pastor isso tem um banque grande ainda que localmente, o mesmo para universidade o lugar que deve educar não pode deseducar.


Ritalina 20mg + Double monitor + Instagram reels + Subway Surfers + Auto scroll + Twitch + Felipe Ramos Pathologic 2 + Modern Playstation game + Cafeina + Nuggets


a pobe da pati ramos senhor, a coitada lesionada e ainda tendo que lidar com pipoco de conta hackeada no instagram 😭😭😭😭