Absolutely sucks that transition didn’t cure my mental illness, undo decades of repression and trauma, and make me into a different person. It just made me “me but woman.” Which is great! I love it! But I wanted a magic fix to all my problems, dammit.


During Panel 3, (Citizen Lab) will present "Silenced by Surveillance: The Impacts of Digital Transnational Repression on Journalists, Human Rights Defenders, and Dissidents" (co-author: Siena Anstis).


No wonder her and Starmer got along so well... Also spare me all the "uh, protests are a waste of time" discourse when the repression against them is only ramping up everywhere.


At one of the Secret Policeman’s Balls, Clive James read out ‘apologies from celebrities who couldn’t make it,’ and Mozart’s went something like ‘I wholeheartedly support Amnesty’s work on behalf of the victims of repression around the world. The victims, the victims, the victims. Around the world.’


Auch das steht im Kontext von Wut und unterdrückter Gewalt im Osten, der sich leider eben auch in einem irrational-paradoxen Wahlverhalten ausdrückt. Ich kenne persönlich Opfer von Stasi-Repression, die seit Jahren jeden Satz von Wagenknecht bejubeln - ausgerechnet Ex-SED-Wagenknecht.


de la cruz definitely supports an arms embargo. but she does tend to use the language of anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism & liberation, which may come off as a less explicit call to defund & disarm. this is from her platform (and unlike stein's, it doesn't say "until israel [does x, y & z]"):

End All U.S. Aid to Apartheid Israel. End the Genocide and Free Palestine

Our campaign is fully committed to the Palestinian people's fight for freedom and an end to the genocide in Gaza. Claudia, Karina and countless campaign volunteers are proud to have taken to the streets as part of the massive people's movement that has emerged in the United States since October 7 as an expression of their long-standing commitment to the struggle for Palestinian liberation.

We stand for the immediate end of all aid to Israel. Our tax dollars should be used to meet people's needs -- not pay for the bullets, bombs and missiles used in the massacre in Gaza. Likewise, all U.S. diplomatic support to help Israel conceal its crimes, like use of the U.S. veto power in the United Nations, must stop. We stand for the repeal of all anti-BDS laws and demand an end to the repression and intimidation of pro- Palestine protesters.

The Palestinian people have been heroically resisting genocide and occupation f

In the nineteenth century, this labor was supplied by Black Americans. The conditions on Navassa were so brutal that Black workers protested, only to be met with violent repression by the white management of the Navassa Phosphate Company, prompting a revolt in which several white men were killed.