In a panic I called 311 to report a pipeline burst. Unable to get thru to anyone, I banged on the door of the drawbridge operator's building. Will there be an explosion?! No, this is a huge public works project to divert diadromous fish from going into a slough, to head upriver instead. I'm stupid.

10 foot wide bubbling in the Sacramento River. Riverside foliage in foreground.
In this photo the bubbling surface tension has developed into an at least 30 foot long bubbling surface disruption. It appears as though a pipeline has burst as the bubbling is in a clear line across the river surface. Short river Bank brush in the foreground. A round red buoy in the river near the bubbling line. Trees and other riverside foliage in the distance on the other river bank.
View of a snaking surface disruption along the top of a riverbed. Wooden towers rise from the river's surface, one with a solar panel used for blinking light at night. A heavily treed riverbank in the distance and a round red buoy and a white, upside down "T" buoy are in the middle distance. The river's surface is otherwise calm with some rippling; reflecting the nearly clear blue skies.

First choice is to be buried in a sandy riverbed to maximize the chance of opalescent fossilization. Second choice is a natural burial with a tree planted above me, so its roots will entwine with my skeleton.

0 September 30, 2024 Matagalpa, Nicaragua Heavy rainfall recorded in the afternoon of September 30 in Matagalpa caused the riverbed to overflow, flooding streets, homes and businesses.


September 30, 2024 Matagalpa, Nicaragua Heavy rainfall recorded in the afternoon of September 30 in Matagalpa caused the riverbed to overflow, flooding streets, homes and businesses. Source Source S...


i do not like hippos. they are the humans of the riverbed


Pashk Pervathi, 2018, 60x50cm

Pashk Pervathi, 2018, 60x50cm — painting of wide light brown/grey riverbed in foreground, with swift river running through it. In the background, hills ranging from deep green, blue-grey and gold. Blazing sttylized autumnal trees hug the edges of the riverbed, with some dotted on hills above.

Looks pretty egregious.

Smacks Creek River Reserve street view on Apple Maps. Shows a large section of lawn that used to be wetland.
Aerial photograph of Smacks Creek Riverbed Reserve showing a vast patch of vegetation that was removed in preparation for the plating of lawn.
Apple Maos view of the area of Smacks Creek Riverbed Reserve showing the property boundaries where a huge section of native wetland was destroyed.

Dry river run. @AFP’s Michael Dantas photographs a boat resting on a sandbank on the Negro River, in the Anavilhanas Archipelago, Amazonas state, northern Brazil. Several tributaries of the Amazon River, one of the longest and most abundant in the world, are in a "critical situation"... Read more

Aerial view of a dry riverbed on the Negro River in the Anavilhanas Archipelago, Amazonas state, northern Brazil. The sandy banks are displayed prominently, revealing various shades of beige and brown textures creating waves and grooves in the exposed land. In the foreground, a small boat is resting on a sandbank, its hull painted in light blue with a wooden deck. The contrasting dark water surrounds the sandy areas, reflecting deeper shades of brown. The landscape highlights the effects of a historic drought impacting several tributaries of the Amazon River, as noted by authorities. The image captures the stark beauty of the river's altered state in a visually striking manner. The upper left corner features the AFP logo.

this weekend i'll be working at a local outdoor art show, the del ray Art on the Avenue! it's the first time i've done this show and really a big outdoor show like this so i'm very excited and nervous. hope it goes well!!!

an image promoting the Art on the Avenue event in Alexandria, VA. The background is blue and features a spaceship shaped like an apple beaming up different handmade crafts, like a vase, pie, camera, and canvas on an easel. The date of the event is October 5, 2024 and the website is
A small painting of a ghost floating beside a stony riverbed. A willow tree leans into the upper left corner. The ghost is trailing an ominous black stream behind it.

We were in the riverbed and it was like a moonscape, lol. But we did see more birds when we specifically went to places where more things grew.

A man sets up a truck bed tent set in an area of rock and sand.

I love the fall flowers in CT

White asters with yellow centers in the front, rocky exposed riverbed, logs, and yellow and green trees under clouds are blurred in the back
Small white flower in focus in the front, brown and green field with green and orange bushes and trees blurred in the background