Thank you to SFWA Grandmaster! "The Nightward has it all: portals to other places; magical companion animals; sky high fantasy; characters of multiple genders and orientations; romance; slivers of Caribbean culture glimmering here and there in the weave; and a delicious twist."


SFWA Special Election Candidates Named


Hi! Would you add me? I write SFF, solarpunk and am a member of SFWA and Climate Fiction Writers League. Thanks!


The last weekend of September is PACKED for me. If you're in the Baltimore MD area, The Baltimore Book Festival and SFWA joined forces to bring a day's worth of SFFH content to the event, and I'm lucky enough to be joining in one of the panels. I'll also be signing books, which is ridiculous.

The Baltimore Book Festival and SFWA are bringing SFFH programming to Baltimore on Sunday September 29th 2024. Join Michael Capobianco, Nicole Glover, Christiane Knight, Aram Sinnreich, and Christopher Mark Rose at 3pm Eastern as we discuss "The Life and Times of Sci-Fi & Fantasy" at the Peabody Heights Brewery stage.

Today, I truly became a member of SFWA: I grudgingly sent in my renewal, despite expressing negative opinions in (mostly) private channels, and debating whether or not I should leave the organization.


2002: People across the interweb tubes embraced blogging, WorldCom's earning report was inexplicably snubbed by the World Fantasy Award, and the SARS pandemic taught the world a valuable lesson about disease control it would surely never forget. #nebula

Science Fiction Writers of America's Nebula Award Plaque: a stylized galaxy with a comet or star shooting through the middle. The SFWA name is around the circumference.

We have 15 days left in our campaign. We're at 23%. I believe in small press and indie publishing. I am sure you do too. Pledge, get nice rewards, and contribute to our authors receiving a professional rate . 📚💙

A Crack in the Code: Cybertronic Stories of Rebellion
A Crack in the Code: Cybertronic Stories of Rebellion

The Rebellion is Now! A collection of science fiction stories featuring robots, cyborgs, and androids going off programming.


While it may be the bourbon and beer talking, I have wondered at the relative dearth of apparent comment about MCA Hogarth’s turn toward open MAGA transphobia. It’s like, a Sad Puppy was vice-president of the SFWA and nobody really noticed.


#SFWA#NebulaConference#romancingsff meetup starts TODAY at 2 pm Eastern time! Today's a discussion. We need your input on upcoming programming and scheduling!