if you want to be my slave send a tribute bitch


reading slave


SLAVE KNIGHT BEST KNIGHT~! Still absolutely love this design and concept~


Los tags de esto podrían ser: - Enemy to lovers to enemy - Dubious consent -Slave/owner dynamics - No beta we die as the troll kids growing


THREE DAY WEEKEND!!! I'm going to be streaming, working on my model rig, grinding some comp ranks, editing shorts, and pretending like I'm not a corporate slave to hopefully get some work done. ♡ It's go time I'm locked in! (And highly caffeinated)


So just for the heck of it, here's all the doodles I've commissioned to draw for my WoW fanfic. No real reason, just wanna show 'em off. :3

Dissonantia, the Witch of Blackwald Forest and the first one I commissioned. She's the primary antagonist of Adventures in Azeroth (my fanfic) and is a warlock who has survived close to two centuries by stealing and consuming souls to keep her from aging.
Sekhi, and yes this is also my representation online. In the fanfic Sekhi is a shamaness who hears the elements as various forms of music, hearing them as a constant background music of sorts. She called it The Song of the World before War Within made it cool. >w>
Nelen Fullmoon, Magus of Gilneas. He's a worgen who prefers to stay in his human form when possible as he's a total bookworm and worgen claws will utterly wreck paper. He's a skilled arcane mage and a scribe by trade.

Also, for anyone who says "Fullmoon" is way too on the nose for a worgen's surname... Two words: Genn Greymane.
Jeemjazo and Murgly Jim (the murloc.) Jeem is Sekhi's childhood friend who stowed away with a crew of Bloodsail Pirates was a kit, hoping to leave Vol'dun for a life of adventure, only to wind up the cabin boy/slave to a ruthless pirate captain, Frederick Saltfang, until their ship crashed into Dustwallow Marsh during a terrible storm and he was able to escape. He befrended the murloc and together they made their way to the Dragon Isles in search of adventure (and money, and food,) where he was reunited with Sekhi.

And people see nothing wrong with it! They see nothing wrong with pretending to be a black slave or a kidnapped Native American as a fetish! Like, you dead as look at a race of people as a fetish and see NOTHING wrong with that?... These people need mental help...






The first time I ever heard of race play was a video of someone defending it & I lost it. The idea of you as a (most of the time) white person being a black slave and/or slave owner in the 1800s gets you off!?!? You need to be checked into a mental hospital if you think that shit is ok!