Rua do Sodré e Ladeira da Preguiça: locais conhecidos no Centro Histórico de Salvador. Foi palco, na noite dessa sexta, de um ataque a tiros que matou 3 pessoas em situação de rua e feriu outra. Segundo a SSP, as vítimas usavam drogas. Apesar da gravidade, por enquanto, parece que é só mais 1 nota.


This is awful. Luckily for me, my workplace paid me full pay then half pay for a few months before I had to go onto SSP and I got a huge backpayment of PIP. I could not have worked from hospital, due to confidentiality of calls, plus being way too sick!

I was forced to work from my hospital bed during cancer treatment
I was forced to work from my hospital bed during cancer treatment

One of the worst things about cancer is the uncertainty of what might happen – you have no idea how long you might be out of action.


よく行く整備工場、たまに激辛大盛りカレー完食したら工賃半額キャンペーンしてるからそれ狙って行くんだけどSSPもSSP-7整備するときはそんな感じでクレナイガイにお任せ!してほしい ゆーてココイチより辛くないしおいしい あんまり完食できるひといないって言ってたからそろそろ出禁になりそう


🌱One of the troubles with getting rid of stubborn perennial weeds like Dock (rumex ssp.), Canada Thistle, etc is that they can regrow from a small chunk of root just laid on top of the soil.

A chunk of dock root with new shoots and new roots growing from it.

a São Paulo que vemos de verdade e nos telejornais locais não é a cidade que aparece na propaganda do Nunes. E bem nem o Moderado Tarcísio diminuiu a violência que a população sofre. E é mto fácil se esconder por trás das estatísticas da SSP.