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"The science is clear that we are in a climate and ecological emergency, we must take actions accordingly in order to avoid further immense suffering of humans and other animals."

Scientists and other activists glued to a car in a luxury car showroom, Oct 2022

This morning, 6 members of Scientist Rebellion have entered the courthouse in Munich to face charges and fines of over 9000€ each, or jail time, for participating in peaceful protests to denounce the German government's utter disregard on the climate crisis. #ScientistsOnTrial

6 scientists who are on trial today in Munich, hold banners outside the courts along with other supporters and members of Scientist Rebellion. The scientists are wearing their lab coats, showing symbolically that they are acting in accordance with their duty as scientists

++ Today ++ Astrophysicist Jérôme Guilet and 5 other scientist activists will go on trial in Munich, Germany, for civil disobedience in resistance against Governments' disregard of the ongoing climate emergency. #ScientistsOnTrial#UniteAgainstClimateFailure

Tuesday March 5th, 

On trial: Astrophysicist Jérôme Guilet

Pictured being arrested

Heute vor dem Amtsgericht, Nymphenburgertsr. Wir stehen solidarisch an der Seite der 3 Aktivisti von #ScientistRebellion#KlimaschutzIstKeinVerbrechen#ScientistsOnTrial


BREAKING: Yesterday, Germany sentenced 4 scientists for acts of civil disobedience in resistance against the blatant inaction regarding the ongoing climate emergency.