I must say #NotebookLM#AI#Scite#Elicit#ResearchRabbit#TheLiterature, etc., you have to know the topic when you use them but they can be helpful. My 0.02…


The more I test Primo Research Assistant the more shocked I am at how bad the retrieval and hence the generated answer is. My basic simple questions that Elicit, scispace, scite assistant, Scopus ai handle, it gives objectively horrible results


I was studying Python, a bit of R and Julia this summer, and I used AI plus boos to run code on Atom and Scite locally on my PC. I have an unfinished second master on astronomy and astrophysics (first ended is on th. physics), and I want to run code to know if i am able to do it simpler....but ...


amg assim, ele ta em codigo pq eu copiei do scite em formato bibtex


Scite have done a really good job of providing AI-based answers that backs up its answers with citations, but it's mostly summaries with links to the papers under summary, rather than identifying textual re-use

Scite Assistant - Your AI Research Partner
Scite Assistant - Your AI Research Partner

Use Assistant by scite to get research-backed answers, collaborate on essays, find supporting and contrasting evidence and more.


Scite hatte ich mit meinen Studis mal getestet in meinem "Kolloquium" (das keines ist, weil es eine Methoden- und Schreibwerkstatt ist, weil ich Kolloquien totlangweilig finde). Für meinen echt speziellen Bereich hatte es im Test was Interessantes Neues gefunden. Aber die Preise fand ich privat ups


Tools, die so mächtig sind, könnten einen Unterschied darin ausmachen, ob man mehr und bessere Paper schreibt oder insgesamt effizienter arbeitet. Und wer bezahlt den Zugang? Es gibt mittlerweile viele KI-Tools fürs wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Ein Beispiel ist Scite, wo man Fragen... 3/x


Not yet but I’m watching this space as well. At first only a few offered institutional licenses but now many of the bigger ones do. I think our local consortium offers either scite or inciteful (I get those two confused).


Is Scite a paid product or is it free? Perplexity offers a basic free version but obviously it reckons its paid version gives much deeper and more sophisticated It also has various options to archive your searches so they automatically become research notes