In positive news, while I'm still waiting to find out if I'm getting an interview with the company that screened me last week, 2 other companies have arranged calls with me. One tomorrow, one Thursday.


eles vão exibir a golden party nos cinemas? vsf hybe desgraçada mercenária “in select global cinemas” I BETTER NOT SEE THIS PARTY BEEING SCREENED IN THAT HELLHOLE


I was sold on that premise and bought it, having no idea the craziness I was in for. Maybe halfway through it, late on a hot summer night I was reading on the couch seated with my back against an open (screened) window. I lived alone. I had been exhausted by the footnotes and the book formatting


I love this movie so much and I hope it actually gets screened in theaters again but I also feel slightly crazy because I’ve had a digital copy of it for years which the director and writer both seem to claim has never existed?? What have I been watching

A Hard-to-Find Cult Classic Is Finally Streaming — New York Magazine
A Hard-to-Find Cult Classic Is Finally Streaming — New York Magazine

Tarsem Singh’s 2006 epic The Fall is now streaming for the first time, and the director says a physical release is on the way, too.


Ricki Tarr actor later played lead in comedy series Shelley. I can't fail but see him as Shelley playing a serious role (not too well). When these series screened on TV the media spin was that they were: too slow, confusing and intellectual. I watched them as a child and thought them perfect.


The longest non experimental film is 14 hours. Doesn’t get screened often for some reason.


đŸȘ¶ Ready for takeoff

A male wild turkey in a back yard. His wings are spread open so you can see the full effect of all his various feathers. They do this sometimes before they actually have to fly to check and see of everything is in working order, just give their wings a singular flap.
Behind him, a white screened in porch.

It’s incredible to me that of all the choices available, the architects of much of the high-rise public housing of the ‘50s and ‘60s, in Baltimore at least, went with an exterior corridor layout (which quickly were fully screened with chain-link fencing in so kids wouldn’t fall).


Had a similar thing with GoT 3rd book (this was before the show existed). Read it during summer when I lived in a forest and had a big private screened-in porch surrounded by green; rocking chair; birdsong... and me yelling in surprise at three separate spots, but no one thankfully heard me.