if kids at segregation academies have cursive and art and theatre and orchestra and lacrosse, then the public school children must have it, too, and anything less is an insistence that culture is dictated from the top down, not grown from the bottom up


Like yes the goal is to restore segregation by destroying public education, but sexually abuse of children is something conservatives are pursuing for its own sake as well.


University of Wyoming athletics continuing its pro-segregation tradition.


Segregation in jeder Hinsicht, begleitet durch Ungeduld und Frustrationen. Jeden, der nicht seinesgleichen ist, schnell verurteilen und abgrenzen, ist viel eifacher als Selbstreflexion und Respekt. Bei diesem geselkschaftl. Trend geht es nicht mehr um Ost-/Westdeutsche. Ich hatte etwa bis (1


Die Entwicklung geht seit einiger zu immer mehr Segregation. In nahezu jedem Aspekt des Lebens und der Politik.


Sigh. All those suburban voters in the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton and Columbus will never admit how segregation, white flight and redlining have shaped the struggles of Ohio's urban centers. Even small urban centers like Springfield get demonized by the suburbanites.Sigh. All those suburban voters in the Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dayton and Columbus will never admit how segregation, white flight and redlining have shaped the struggles of Ohio's urban centers. Even small urban centers like Springfield get demonized by the suburbanites.


Broke: everything Right Wingers do is a tantrum against obama's election Woke: everything RWers do is a tantrum against nixon's ouster Bespoke: everything RWers do is a tantrum against segregation ending The Truth: everything RWers do is a tantrum against losing the civil war


Adding ALT text to the above images because the bot didn't reply and I think it's worth having here. Teamwork makes the dream work, etc.

Screenshot of an X post by Elon Musk that reads: "Exactly, birth rates that low will lead to mass extinction of entire nations!" The post includes a quote post from Marko Jukic that is only shown in part. The visible part reads: "A fertility rate below 1.6 means 50% less new people after three generations, say 100 years. Below 1.2 means an 80% drop. The U.S. is at 1.64. China, Japan, Poland, Spain all below 1.2. South Korea is at 0.7-96% drop...." The time stamp shows Musk's post was published at 5:23 PM on October 2, 2024. Statistics below the post claim it has 3,100 replies, 3,500 reposts, 18,000 likes, and an unlikely 3.1 million views.

Below Musk's post is a reply from Jukic that reads:" If we don't solve the problem of why industrial societies cause the human beings who make them up to stop reproducing, thus dooming those societies and the industry and technology they create, we won't even get the chance to be exterminated by more advanced existential risks!"
In his early adulthood, Jukic, who just turned 24, published many thousands of extremist words on neoreactionary blogs. He declared that "diversity, equality, tolerance and the rest of the lot of contemporary progressive values are indisputably corrosive to civilization as they are today practiced." He expressed homophobic, misogynistic and racist views. "[I]f you spend a few hours letting your disenchanted friends and family know that it's OK to use the word 'nigger' [and] point out that democracy is a miserable failure," he wrote, "you will have accomplished far more concrete good in the world than you would have by spending a few hours doing almost anything else."

He was opposed to multiculturalism and wrote that Jews did not belong among people of European heritage. "The answer to the Jewish question," he wrote, "is quite simple: segregation and separation. ... [U]nlike progressives, neoreactionaries do not believe one can abolish the laws of nature and turn diversity into a stren

Segregation in the Jim Crow South