So, it looks like Matt Mullenweg is doing some blatantly unethical shit again. He forked and forcibly took over WPEngine's Advanced Custom Fields plugin - one of the most installed plugins in the WP- and is forcing updates to go to his new plugin, which uses the same URL, install count, & reviews

Our ACF plugin has been taken over forcibly by wordpressdotorg without our consent.

If you are a WP Engine, Flywheel or ACF PRO customer, you do not need to take any action and will continue to get the latest from the ACF team.

If you have a site managed elsewhere using ACF, in order to get ACF updates you must perform a 1-time download of the genuine 6.3.8 version via to remain safe in the future. The update servers for wordpressdotorg are no longer controlled by the ACF team.

You’ve been trusting ACF for over a decade. The experts that maintain ACF will continue to support and enhance the capabilities that our users love and trust.
We were saddened and appalled by Matt Mullenweg’s actions this morning appropriating the Advanced Custom Fields plugin that our ACF team has been actively developing for the WordPress community since 2011.

Please read the following post for our full statement.

The America First Policy Institute discovered a breach into their servers last week. It is not saying what materials were compromised. AFPI is one of several groups formed after Trump left office to help lay the groundwork for the next Republican administration. It has been publishing policy […]


Resuming my whole house ethernet and wifi project! Working on getting a bunch of Access Points. One for the outside for the ring cameras, and a few for the inside since my house is plaster. Then after that’s all done, I will be working on making servers for this house (3 in fact).


entendo entendo recomendo entrar nums servers gringos se for o caso, tem uns com chat dedicado a busca de comm


That's incredibly funny if that's how they did and think that's going to protect them. Nobody is going to care if you came across an SD card or directly broke into servers, they're going to come for you either way and it sounds too unlikely to have terabytes of multiple projects on one card.


I would also be okay with this. it turns out that the servers at Olive Garden, however, are less okay with it


Rather weird. It does look like a post made before Bluesky migrated everyone over to the PDS servers. 🤔 It's even more weird-er that I can search it. 🫣


One thing that has come into real sharp focus lately is just how much algorithms ruined the social media experience. Between Bluesky and a couple discord servers I have joined, my online experience has gotten so much better and more positive.


American Lease's response should have been "Then you're giving us the servers". Not saying that it's easy, but it also sounds like BS. They can't have built vaguely servicably platform that can't be ported. This is a nerd to nerd discussion that's had lawyers inserted into it middle.


My wife came out to me, I went around on my servers and asked for transition resources. Found out about Plume. Paid for the telehealth session, drove her to the pharmacy to get her estrogen and syringes, and took her out for a godsdamn burger afterwards. No questions, no 'are you sure.' She is she.