nunca vou entender pq a shonda não matou a izzie junto com o george naquela season finale linda


Wes e Laurel: casal mais sem sal que Shonda já nos entregou


nossa, ela é top personagens que me irrita. a sorte dela é que a Shonda ama criar personagens lixosos, então ela fica atrás dos piorais Hunt, George, Eliza, Erica...


Sério eu vi esses dias elas postando vídeos no Tik Tok de fotos da Hanna com o Rome Flynn dizendo que era para Shonda só ter feito isso... Queria saber o que o choro delas vai adiantar?


o que a shonda fez com o casal jo e alex foi péssimo. simplesmente o cara se declara pra ela, fala que não vai embora e que vai ficar do lado dela pra sempre, super amando ela no momento mais difícil etal e do nada, no ep seguinte ele vai embora e só deixa uma carta pra Jô. serio coitada, só sofre


shonda escolhendo a dedo os bridgertons


Just Alaskans concerned about the southern border

Lyudmila Macy, a white lady

“I think race definitely became more divisive after Barack Obama became the president,” she told us. “He seems like [he] started more focus on the Black people, and I think he created more division.”

Macy was one of several conservatives who told us racism was a prime cause of polarization in their communities — and what they meant was that they see accusations of racism as divisive, not necessarily racism itself.

Macy told us she’s an enthusiastic Trump voter. She thinks the 2020 election was unjust and worries about the 2024 election. 

“They did it once. They’ll do it again,” she said. (Contrary to Trump’s claims, there’s no evidence of significant fraud in the 2020 election.)

She sees illegal immigration as her most important issue.

“I am [an] immigrant. I’m totally against illegal immigration,” she said. “I think we should not allow them to be here because they take away jobs from [the] young generation
Shonda Morelli, a CBD vendor in Soldotna, a blonde middle aged white lady:

Immigration was also top of mind for Shonda Morelli, whom we met at an outdoor market in Soldotna.

“I know we have immigrants up here,” she said. “They live like queens, kings. They have better things than we do.”

We asked: Do you mean here, in Soldotna? She did not.

“Our little community’s our community. But I have seen it up in Anchorage — or heard about it, I can’t say [I’ve] personally seen it,” she said. 

Like Macy, Morelli said she thought accusations of racism had driven a wedge in her community.

“Every time I turn around, I hear ‘racist,’ you know? ‘You’re racist. They’re racist,’” she said. “No one’s racist to me.”

Parece cena criada pela Shonda Rhimes


Vai se ferrar Shonda Rhimes Shondaland e todos os roteiristas dessa merda eu quero todo mundo na cadeia como pode o ser humano ser tão sádico véi?


(I laughed at dog shofar like a shonda.)