I thknk it's a good idea to stay on a sickleave


Something about being on sickleave to recover from surgery has made my brain revert to lizard functionality and it seems excruciatingly hard to get it back into normal human adult mode. I have one more week to sort this out.


By on Mastodon: "Norwegian politicians annoying med part 2369: one article saying that workers should be penalized for illness (from the fucking Labor Party because why the hell not), while 2 politicians are currently on sickleave because one embezzled money from their party and the other's spous has apparently been planting secret cameras in bathrooms for years."

Norwegian politicians annoying me part 2369: one article saying that workers should be penalized for illness (from the fucking Labour Party because why the hell not), while 2 politicians are currently on sickleave because one embezzled money from their party and the others spouse has apparently [ā€¦]


ā‹† Assassin (OC | 2022) ā‹† Still on sickleave but slooowly getting better, soon Iā€˜ll be able to draw properly again! In the meanwhile, hereā€˜s a concept sketch of my OC Lanny for a paused project! #art#oc#originalcharacter#digitalart


My backpain has gotten so much worse that I am on sickleave and got physiotherapy ;v; And I cannot sit at my desk at all without being on pain, so i also cannot draw properly except for on my ipad, which I don't really like šŸ˜­ it's so frustrating ugh, I have so much art planned


Thank you. Today Iā€™m doing nothing. Which is nice. #sickleave