All 4 pictures are double page spreads (sketchbook w/ bound pages), with different sizes of archival pen. It's basically self-directed art therapy with very little planning, representational the way toast browning resembles Our Lady of Guadalupe or labia or "it's just toast what's going on here" &c.

This one looks more like the kind of deep woods with the fungi that grow in trees and look like oyster beds or saucers or geode slices. Draping and stretching apart or together slowly, like tendons or brocade or brambles.
More bits with fine lines that look like close up wood grain in an un-felled tree. Bark coming off so the wood ages & dies with weather & time., bore holes, &c. more brambly and coiling and tighter on one side; I was definitely thinking about fossils and how alligators have been documented using tools and hunting collaboratively. The way a horse's mane falls along its neck as it raises and turns its head. Tiny creatures that make silk and cobwebs, &c. The eye sockets of fish and birds. Just Normal Nature Things, like that's not a joke, it's WEIRD but it's NORMAL, it's all SPECTRUMS OF PERSPECTIVES in here.
This one was started on the anniversary of my father-in-law's death. Pondering swamps, filter marshes, scales, fur, geology, ridges, compression, genealogy, burnt fibers, the transfiguration of bones. Tarantula feet, caterpillar legs, gum lines, sores, gravel, mosses.
Not finished yet. Thinking of flower petal and vine textures, and all the previous stuff. Internal organs in the many places they belong, but that always means "rotting away into something else." Life and death and cycles and everything being pretty much the same stuff and the same shapes and how conflict resolution is impossible under capitalism, that kind of thing. Budding plants blooming and insect wings unfurling, they begin and end differently but share shapes and motions and atoms, y'all know the drill. Visible tea tin repurposed for (mainly) archival pens with the lid off, the stuffed T-Rex a sister gave me for Valentine's day 9 years ago is helping prop up the sketchbook, thank you Regina Valentimes you are a good and faithful stuffed toy.

Tiny cobweb spider rappelled down from the ceiling and I blew on it to guide it behind the monitor instead of in front of it and it was like OH GOD OH GOD and scrambled all the way back up its silk. Sorry, little friend, I just didn't want you to end up squished on my desk by my phone or something!


Maté & Cloves tea comes in small silk bags, which helps the tea to infuse!


Altar Cloth Class: Textiles-Woven Culture: Japan Medium: Silk, metallic thread

Altar Cloth, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Proibindo santinho, carreata, horario eleitoral, propaganda digital, física, outdoor, adesivagem em carro, adesivo em roupa, roupa bordada, roupa com silk, boné bordado, abordagem na rua, bandeira, gente segurando bandeira, jingle, investimento público...


#1044 Wu Fei’s Music Daily — Guzheng of Dunhuang 敦煌之筝 | British Library Join me at the the British Library in London! Excited to have my work “Lou Lan” featured in the 2024 exhibition “A Silk Road Oasis – Life in Ancient Dunhuang”.


Die Russen verwenden nun auch FPV-Drohnen, die mit Glasfaserkabel in einer Trommel unter der Drohne nicht mehr gestört werden können. Kann man sich vorstellen wie so'n Fisher Silk und wenn du die Angel offen hast, gibt das Schnur nach. Das Kabel hat bis zu 20km Länge & sie sind sehr gefürchtet. 4/x


Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road drug marketplace, is in prison for life. So why does Donald Trump want to free him?Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road drug marketplace, is in prison for life. So why does Donald Trump want to free him?

‘Free Ross’: Why Trump Wants Ross Ulbricht Released From Prison
‘Free Ross’: Why Trump Wants Ross Ulbricht Released From Prison

Donald Trump has made a raft of promises to the crypto community should he win the US presidential election in November, including a pledge to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of dar...


@crypto: Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road drug marketplace, is in prison for life. So why does Donald Trump want to free him?


@business: Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road drug marketplace, is in prison for life. So why does Donald Trump want to free him?