It does, but not enough. And like me, my rheumatoid arthritis has complications. Sjogrens and all that heat leave me quite... parched and between the two syndromes and the RA itself, i'm stuck in a weird circle of managing three different types of pain, and that's just my hands. 😅😅


Ja, jeg gikk rundt og var hoven og rød i øynene, føltes som sandpapir inni der, og tørst hele tiden. Ble sendt på utredning foe Sjøgrens! 😅 Betent galle som vi ikke visste om m mange flere symptom, men sandpapir på øynene med salver og drypping og styr skylder jeg på varmepumpa, så ikke reparert!


I lived fenceline in Norco for 2 years and now have Sjogrens and cannot have children biologically. I've always wanted kids.


Jeg antar sjøgrens er masse symptomer av varierende grad. Men velkommen til utredning...


Tok blodprøve for å finne ut hva jeg mangler og sånt, og enn så lenge er det bare folsyre, og det er greit nok, men mamma mistenkte leddgikt siden jeg har slitt med senebetennelser rundt om i kroppen siden mai. Heldigvis var det ikke det, men det kan se ut som jeg har testa positivt for Sjögrens?


Suspected Sjogrens, MCAS, vocal cord dysfunction (because it's affecting their voice sometimes), already have POTS and MEcfs diagnosed.... not sure if this helps. Could it be asthma? Or copd? Or dry mouth/throat? Or just a panic attack? Or adrenaline from POTS? #Neisvoid


I constantly think of the rheumatologist who determined I don’t have Sjogrens because my dry eye issues are not so severe that my eyes are stuck closed. Not even a thought of symptoms progressing.


I didn't like my new ophthalmologist. But, he thinks the new issues are ocular migraines because there's no signs of hemorrhages. However, I told him Sjogrens is horrific and it's causing variability in my RX and worsening my astigmatism. He laughed and said Sjogrens can't cause astigmatism. 1/


It's so weird being examined by optometric assistants who know only what they need to know. I had to explain to her why someone with dry eye/Sjogrens would have punctal plugs or their tear ducts sealed. I don't want to be a "well actually" weirdo by saying I have experience but it's tempting.


Om det var ganske tørt tenkte jeg at du kanskje hadde sjøgrens. Det er litt vanlig å få deg sammen med revmatisme og sånt, og det har litt likheter. Men høres ut som du slapp unna!