Uf slane srdele navečer nikako nisu dobra ideja. Do tri ujutro nemoš spavat jer stalno si žedan pa sto puta ustaješ nešto popiti, a onda od tri nemoš spavat jer ti se svako malo piša.


Danas me cijeli dan drži na životu misao da ću navečer navalit na slane srdele i došao je taj trenutak


Ne znam zašto, ali imam osjećaj da su njegove suze više gorke nego slane.


sinoc ispeko kokice ma maslacu slane s paprikom ubit cu se al gladna pa bilo dobro


When you’ve lost both the listener ( AND the NBR (the Private Bin anon column) in the same week… 😬🔥

Slane cartoon, pic of a scientist about to be burnt at the stake (labelled ’science jobs’) with Luxon and other politicians standing to one side with torches. Luxon says: ‘we’re using evidence to test the science on all our policies’
Screenshot sent to me by a NBR subscriber. Re Judith Collins speech at KiwiNet commercialisation awards this week.
“She then began on a predictable political spiel before a woman heckler shouted: “Give us some money, Judith!”. Collins, quick as a flash, clapped back: “No, you give US some money,” taking aback the room of impoverished researchers somewhat. … “It’s time to bring home the bacon,” she roared, “and sorry if anyone is offended by that. Sorry, not sorry. The country is counting on you.” So, whiny is our R&D budget getting cut,” murmured the scientist sitting next to Private Bin. The mood was summed up by the guest speaker, visiting US academic who told a story from the good old days of animal experimentation in the 1960s involving drowning wild and domesticated rats. “The lesson from this tale,” he imparted, “is create your own hope.” Who said scientists don’t have a good time?

Just realised the image is missing alt text. Slane cartoon, pic of a scientist about to be burnt at the stake (labelled ’science jobs’) with Luxon and other politicians standing to one side with torches. Luxon says: ‘we’re using evidence to test the science on all our policies’


Absolute banger from Slane in today's Listener. Oof.


Já mám kuchařek... a nic z nich nevařím. Zrovna o víkendu jsem pravila, že by bylo fajn je vytáhnout, prostě někde otevřít a uvařit jídlo na příslušné straně. No, jsem na nás zvědavá 😅 Slané pečení zrovna mám 🙈 nějaký echt doporučení hodný recept, prosím 🙏🏻 by nebyl?


👩🏼‍🍳 Pojďme si doporučit kuchařky! Potřebuji vědět, podle kterých se vám dobře vaří nebo peče. 🍝 U nás jsou to knihy od Kateřiny MyCookingDiary (když si člověk odmyslí tu hovorou češtinu v psaném receptu 🫠) a Slané pečení z edice Apetit. Vizuálně super a prostě k sežrání je taky tato:


Probing Magnetic Fields in Young Supernova Remnants with IXPE Patrick Slane, Riccardo Ferrazzoli, Ping Zhou, Jacco Vink

Probing Magnetic Fields in Young Supernova Remnants with IXPE
Probing Magnetic Fields in Young Supernova Remnants with IXPE

arXiv abstract link