It took longer than I had hoped, but The Clone Wars/The Great War Chapter 24 is finally done! Doctor Nuvo Vindi has been arrested and Naboo is safe for the time being... or is it? Up next, Vindi's creation is unleashed! #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 7282, characters without spaces: 34,449, characters with spaces: 41,465, estimated reading time: 29 minutes, 7 seconds

Hooray, The Clone Wars/The Great War Chapter 23 is done! Riyo Chuchi has negotiated peace and ended the One-day War between her people and the Talz. Up next we meet Doctor Nuvo Vindi and his insidious plot. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 6,466, characters without spaces: 31,229, characters with spaces: 37,464, estimated reading time: 25 minutes, 51 seconds

The Clone Wars/The Great War Chapter 22 is done! The Separatist army attacking Maridun has been defeated and the Lurmen are safe. Next up we meet Riyo Chuchi of Pantora and the Talz! #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 7064, characters without spaces: 33,642, characters with spaces: 40,464, estimated reading time: 28 minutes, 15 seconds

New State of the Project post up on Patreon! Update on chapter 22, brief thoughts on the Acolyte, and good news about my dad! As always, the SotP reports are available for free.

State of the Project, August 21 | Silas Kaiser
State of the Project, August 21 | Silas Kaiser

Get more from Silas Kaiser on Patreon


The Clone Wars Chapter 21 is done! Anakin has received medical treatment after being injured saving Aayla Secura. Up next, the Separatists arrive with a terrible new weapon. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 6842, characters without spaces: 32474, characters with spaces: 39093, estimated reading time: 27 minutes, 22 seconds

Chapter 20 is done! Anakin and Obi-Wan have escaped Hondo Ohnaka. So too (unfortunately) has Count Dooku. Up next Anakin and Ahsoka seek to aid Aayla Secura only to end up stranded. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 6,807, characters without spaces 32,633, characters with spaces: 39,164, estimated reading time: 27 minutes, 13 seconds

Chapter 19 is done! Count Dooku is being held for ransom by the Ohnaka Pirates. Anakin and Obi-Wan are currently guests of the pirates after verifying Dooku's captivity. Up next the ransom payment goes horribly awry. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 7071, characters without spaces: 34021, characters with spaces: 40829, estimated reading time: 28 minutes, 17 seconds

I forgot to post it yesterday but The Clone Wars chapter 17 is complete. Ventress has freed the Viceroy and escaped. Up next, Kit Fisto tracks the Viceroy to Vassek but finds someone else instead. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 6,433, characters without spaces: 31,758, characters with spaces: 37,963, estimated reading time: 25 minutes 43 seconds

Hooray! The Clone Wars Chapter 16 is done! Padmé is safe in part due to Jar Jar's help and Viceroy Gunray has been captured! Next up we see his escape. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 7,569, characters without spaces: 36,387, characters with spaces: 43,647, estimated reading time: 30 minutes 16 seconds

The Clone Wars Chapter 15 is complete! Artu has been rescued and the secret Separatist listening post has been destroyed. Up next we get Jar Jar pretending to be a Jedi. #StarWars#fanfiction#SotSAFR

Word count: 7,736, characters without spaces: 37,720, characters with spaces: 45,186, estimated reading time: 30 minutes, 56 seconds