making it the third nation to launch a mammal into space, and Félicette is remembered as one of the select group of trailblazer non-human animals to experience spaceflight.


of 14 female cats trained for spaceflight, she was launched into space on 18 October 1963. Some of the cats’ 2 months of training mirrored the training of human astronauts. They were placed in high-G centrifuge three-axis chair with simulated rocket noise. The cats also had cat-specific training 🧵


Researchers found that long-duration spaceflight affected the mechanical properties of eye tissues, including reducing the stiffness of tissue around the eyeball.


The time between Elon Musk buying Twitter and the movie "The Usual Suspects" is the same as the time between the first Harry Potter book and Apollo 13 (the spaceflight, not the movie).


I think the tech billionnaire crowd finds fascism fashionable just as they find messing about with spaceflight a fashionable thing. I don't think they have very complex or sophisticated motivations. The trouble is, some people take them seriously.


30 septembre 2009 15ème anniversaire du décollage de Soyouz TMA-16. Maksim Souraïev et Jeff Williams resteront jusqu'au 18 mars 2010 en rejoignant les Expedition 21 et 22 . Le canadien Guy Laliberté, Spaceflight Participant, rentre le 11 octobre 2009.


"The cracking has reached the highest level of concern on the space agency's "risk matrix" to classify the likelihood and consequence of risks to spaceflight activities. The Russian leaks are now classified as a 5 both in terms of high likelihood and high consequence."

An International Space Station Leak Is Getting Worse—and Keeping NASA Up at Night
An International Space Station Leak Is Getting Worse—and Keeping NASA Up at Night

A NASA inspector general report gives new details on a leak that has plagued the ISS for five years, and reveals that the agency considers it the highest-level risk.


People are surprised by her knowledge of space and the engineering involved in spaceflight, but people just chock that up to her being a space nerd!People are surprised by her knowledge of space and the engineering involved in spaceflight, but people just chock that up to her being a space nerd!


More favorite books. I won't call BRINGING COLUMBIA HOME a "favorite" - few spaceflight books have made me more angry. It's about the fallout (literally) of the Nixon decision to build a cut-price Shuttle. Red volumes are a compilation published between 1917-20, back when we had only one World War.