A historical representation of the war of erasure. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows a detail from an Etruscan sarcophagus, a worn painting of two armed Greek soldiers fighting a woman on horseback.

The back reads: You see here a historical representation of the war of erasure. This is one of the most complete of the accounts of that war, all others being, academics suspect, erased. What was the technology that allowed for such erasure, that could destroy people, armies, whole nations? We hope it was erased as well. And yet every time we find a fragment of proof that the war of erasure actually existed, we also bring hunger for that weapon to be brought back into existence. Ignorance results in history repeating itself; just not THIS history.

We didn't live there. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows a "typical Phillipine nipa hut" surrounded by palm trees, with a fenced-in garden full of flowers and plants. The building has a grass roof, a two-tiered roof, and flowers at every window.

The back reads: Dear F, the AirBnB you recommended was wonderful. Perfect location! Great views! Clean and well-stocked! It was almost hard to believe we didn't live there, that it wasn't actually our home. Is that strange to say? As soon as we set our bags down, the memories came back. When we first moved in. How hard we worked at redecorating. The entire wall of J's bedroom having to be replaced after a bee swarm moved in, and bees began to die in his crib. Those are real to me, even now we've left, vacation over, and gone back to our real home. What hurts is J being gone, but we never had a child, after all. ~X

The occasional, obligatory, self signal boost (now pinned!) Meet Avina and follow her through a few reality sheltering days, from which she does not emerge the same. | 🌈📚 | 🌈🚀💫 | 💙📚 | Sapphic Book | Science Fiction

Aviana Aquila does not have much, but she does have structure. No home but whatever she is currently assigned to, no family, and the closest to a relationship she has is a not very clandestine affair with her emotionally inhibited commanding officer, with whom she dreams to run away. As an Imperial soldier, ever on deployment, she knows she may die at any moment. As a commander, she knows she will need to order people to their deaths. After years on years, she is dull to all of that, existing to exist.
But when an Alliance Admiral comes aboard on what was just supposed to be a routine mission, her structured semblance of a life is completely overturned. The Admiral is not a normal being, and possibly insane. Yet her presence may save Aviana in more ways than one and make her rediscover the woman she loves.

No one invited the glow into town. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows an aerial view of Queenstown, New Zealand that shows the bay it sits next to and the mountains in the distance. It must be near dusk or dawn as the city is lit up with lights.

The back reads: No one invited the glow into town, but once it had settled in, no one was willing to make it go. The thing was, the glow paid its fair share of taxes, and light pollution is really only a serious problem for astronomers, most people agree, even if the glow as just as visible during the day as it was at night. The glow lived in the streets, so it wasn't taking up valuable living space, but it did consume ambient light, oxygen, and stray animals. The mayor said it was providing a valuable service. The missing children posters were ignored. The glow as a considerate neighbor, inviting everyone to their parties where they burned the unfortunate bodies.

Does anyone have suggestions for specfic presses that take short story collections on non-agented sub? #speclit


They painted the people on the side of the house. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows a decorated building in a German/European style with visible beams in the walls.

The back reads: They painted the people on the side of the house to let you know they were watching. Not the people who lived in the house, of course, they couldn't care less about what was going on outside their walls. I mean the people painted on the house, they were watching. They lived on the walls and had little else to do than spy on the people walking by or trespassing through the backyard for a shortcut to school. Some people noticed the painted folks watching them. And some of those people heard the painted people's painted voices (like a half-remembered dream) and stepped closer to the wall of the house, just as the painted people suggested, getting themselves within arms' reach of those who, they were sure, did not have arms. Just as they assumed painted people would not have teeth. And yet, these painted people had both. What an oversight.

The US government denying all responsibility. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows an evening picture of Rome in silhouette against the sky. Two inset letters -- O and K -- are filled with pictures of the Papal Palace (?). Text along the top reads a ROMA Tutto e.

The back reads: OK. Okay. People were having a hard time with the move. Rome, Italy suddenly now in Oklahoma, and with the US government denying all responsibility. But who else could have the power and the interest (though that interest was contested -- what use in having another country's capital inside your country)? No one suspected Joe, though. He'd gotten away with it, having all the art he cared most about in the world in his backyard! He supposed he should've thought about his wish more carefully, as the ancient city's border actually begin where his property ended. Suspicious, right? But no one believe in magic or genies, and when people asked what he thought, he said, It's a shame.

You said you were becoming a lake. #SpecLit#FlashFiction

A postcard, front and back.

The front shows a forested lake shore in front of a vast lake backed by craggy mountains. Text at the bottom reads Bow Lake, Banff National Park, Canada.

The back reads: Dear L, I'm sorry I did not believe you when you said you were becoming a lake. It seemed impossible! Even with all the recent advancements in science and the increasing desperation of the eco-messiah movement, I did not believe because I did not want to believe. You are my oldest lover. You were my oldest friend. And now you are something else entirely. A part of the planet! A last-ditch effort to try and turn back the clock on climate change by throwing our bodies, our very selves, into the gears working towards our destruction. Now, at your side, my tears become you. I have swum in the depths of your body. We are all still dying, but you will live, beautiful, cold, and alone. ~X