Hello my imps!! The demon sphere is going live with Wildfrost!! We got frost to fight and darkness to absorb! Achievments and just having fun with spicy bois! So come on down for a CHILL time!!


Coned dog looks like it's a sphere, like an old spaceman helmet, but she's all in the sphere, little sweetie.


That's my point--I wish the political sphere wasn't so poisonous.


So apologies if I come across as a scold, but it always strikes me how we refer to women in the public sphere by their first names, but men by their last names.


my general time travel fantasy answer is "I'd go back and get's ADHD and EDS treated young, and meanwhile go do climate change activism" but if you limit my sphere to the last 15 years, then I fucking intervene to prevent Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality's popularity.


Thanks, Jeff. I just have a general feeling that, in the public sphere, we're always being messed with by self-motivated people who pretend otherwise. I'm sick of it.


色の異なる小さな花が集合して球体のような花に。かと言って開花前の蕾は長方形。可愛らしい姿の中に不思議な魅力がたくさん詰まっているね😉ランタナ@須磨 #flowers#sphere#wonder#花#植物の不思議


Wow, there are some real similarities here to the women who have come forward about Gaiman

Newhouse opened her case on Monday by calling to the witness stand a university student who also cannot be identified.
She testified she was 22 when she first met Thompson at a Yorkville art gallery, and initially had no idea who he was.
"He approached me asking questions and insisted we have wine," mentioning he had "connections in the creative sphere," she said.
It was "pretty obvious the way I was dressed that I was a creative," the now 24-year-old said, explaining that she agreed to meet him again that night at a nearby restaurant. Once there, the six-term councillor, who represents Ward 21, Scarborough Centre, led her to believe he "has control over finances in these creative programs around the city," she said.
The encounter "seemed like a cool alignment of events," she said, testifying that Thompson seemed like he could be her "mentor" and that he presented himself as
"someone who would look out for me."
He later drove her to her suburban home north of Toronto; before she got out of the car, she said he handed her two $50 bills and "insisted I take it," which she did.
(During cross-examination, she rejected defence lawyer Shemesh's suggestion that Thompson gave her the money because she'd told him about the hardships she faced as a student.)
The woman testified that Thompson mentioned a "future weekend of networking" up at a cottage…
Thompson picked her up at her home on Friday, July 1, and they drove to Port Carling, in Muskoka. They spoke about politics, and navigating the world as a Black person in "prominently white affluent spaces." At one point, Thompson called Premier Doug Ford to wish him happy Canada Day. (The witness testified she felt he did it to impress her.)
At the cottage — which she described as "relatively big" but older - she said Thompson "encouraged a certain flow of events" by offering drinks. Still, she felt comfortable knowing that many of her friends from high school were also in nearby in Muskoka for the long weekend.
Another woman, Thompson's friend Tracy - no last name was given - arrived within an hour, and they smoked some of her homegrown cannabis. At first, she testified thinking, "my mentors are chill," but her ease slowly dissipated.
The other woman invited her to "test the bounciness of his bed"…

They probably are the assumption Sonic is in the same casual audience sphere that it'll work. Like a Dragon abandoned the system already so it's not a company edict.


i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere