Yes, my mentors explained that building an academic lab was essentially creating a startup company. But I still didn't grasp the implications of that. So many skills required that we are not taught!


Pay for PaaS and turn on spending limits. The "high" cost of something like Render or Heroku isn't gonna be the thing that kills your startup, but running out of time will.


This startup hopes to change the way knowledge is captured and accessed at companies using AI. If your IT isn't using AI to fight AI, you may want to re-think your IT... We are here to help!


"Silicon Valley has long maintained an ethos of saving the world. The belief is so prevalent that it was mocked on "Silicon Valley," in a montage of startup founders all promising to 'make the world a better place'": OpenAI Is Shattering Big Tech's Promises of a Better World

OpenAI Is Shattering Big Tech's Promises of a Better World
OpenAI Is Shattering Big Tech's Promises of a Better World

The company's latest evolution is a red flag about Silicon Valley's obsession with "mission."


Ello is an AI reading buddy that supports kids with reading challenges and just launched a new product on Monday, allowing children to participate in writing stories The new AI-powered feature, “Storytime,” lets kids make up their own stories by choosing from different settings,… #AI#Startup#Ello

AI Reading Coach Ello Now Lets Kids Create Stories
AI Reading Coach Ello Now Lets Kids Create Stories

Ello is an AI reading buddy that supports kids with reading challenges and just launched a new product on Monday, allowing children to participate in writing stories The new AI-powered feature, “Storytime,” lets kids make up their own stories by choosing…