Still Coviding, feeling isolated, but craving community? Join us Saturdays 8-11pm ET for the Still Coviding Hangout! On zoom, w/ many breakout rooms means there's something for everyone. Stay safe & connected, and build community.

1/4 Still Coviding. Weekly Hangout. Saturdays 8-11 PM ET. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc Live Caption Translation for 20+ languages. Featured Rooms: Makeup Playtime + Chats, Puzzle Room, They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard (1st hour). Rotating Rooms: Accessibility & Community Building, Loved Ones in (Covid) Denial, Millennial Meet-Up, Long-Term Relationships. Every Week: Still Coviding It Alone, Pandemic Pals, Black & Still Coviding, Cathartic Chatter, Just a Hang, Small Group Chat (4 max), Creativity Corner, Queer Chill Lounge, BIPOC Parlor.
2/4 Still Coviding. Featured Rooms. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Makeup Playtime + Chats: Join fellow makeup enthusiasts for makeup play and Q&A. Hosted by community member, J. Puzzle Room: Hosted by community members Nora and Jules, a virtual, collaborative puzzle site will be used to complete Jigsaw puzzles as a team! After starting with a warm up puzzle to introduce folks to the platform, we hope to move to a more difficult puzzle to try and complete during our time together. They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard (featured; first hour only): Come and join with the fellowship of your Still Covid-ing pals as we talk about all things J.R.R. Tolkien! Hosted by community member Adam for the first hour.
3/4 Still Coviding. Rotating Rooms. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Accessibility & Community Building: Figuring out how to navigate an inaccessible world as someone who need accommodations feels nearly impossible sometimes. This breakout room is a space for folks in the disability community to come together and share tips and strategies for navigating accessibility needs together. Loved Ones In (Covid) Denial: Many of us are dealing with the pain and disappointment of having family and friends who live their lives as though Covid doesn’t exist. This is a space to process and talk about your experiences, feelings, and frustrations, as well as share any tips, advice, or coping strategies for navigating difficult conversations and relationships with our loved ones who aren’t on the same page about Covid.
4/4 Still Coviding. Rotating Rooms. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Someone who is Still Coviding is... Taking the ongoing pandemic seriously by following the science & using a layered approach to mitigating contracting, or spreading covid. Wearing a high filtration mask when in public or in general when spending time with people from outside their home. Testing isolating, & quarantining when appropriate & for safer gatherings. Avoiding crowded public areas unless necessary, especially indoors. Not dining inside and mindful of air quality, using ventilation & filtration whenever possible as a form of covid risk mitigation. There is a wide community of people who are still coviding, & many who have organized a variety of community spaces, events, groups, and platforms.

What has always bothered me about #stillCOVIDing#COVID19#PandemicIsNotOver


Great! I suggest you follow this feed 👇🏻- and use the hashtags


Still wearing a mask & skipping the super spreaders but ready for a Sat night of community, & solidarity?

1/4 Still Coviding. Saturdays. Weekly Hangout. 8-11P ET. Live Caption Translation for 20+ languages. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more guide doc: Rotating Rooms: Book Club, Groovy Tunes, 30s, Flirty, and Surviving, Dreamscapes, Geography Geeks, Sandwiches (new), Sober & Still Coviding. Rooms Every Week: Still Coviding It Alone, Pandemic Pals, Black & Still Coviding, Cathartic Chatter, Mini Hang, Medium Hang, Creativity Corner, Queer Chill Lounge, BIPOC Parlor
2/4 Still Coviding. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Rotating Rooms. Sandwiches (new!): Whether you’re a fan of classic PB&J, grilled cheese, or inventive sandwich combos, this is the perfect place to share your go-to recipes, debate the best ingredients, and maybe even discover a new favorite. Join us to indulge in mouthwatering discussions and connect with fellow sandwich enthusiasts! 30s, Flirty, and Surviving: This space is for those in their 30s navigating the complexities of adulthood during the pandemic. Whether you're stressed about your career, maintaining relationships, or simply trying to stay afloat, this is a supportive space to share experiences, find humor in the chaos, and connect with others who understand the unique challenges of being 30-something and surviving during a global pandemic.
3/4 Still Coviding. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Rotating Rooms. Sober & Still Coviding: With the ongoing pandemic being an especially challenging time, it's important to connect with others who share the value of sobriety. This breakout room is a non-judgmental environment for all to share space and find support. Geography Geeks: Our country boundaries are more than just the lines we draw on a map, and the term “regional” is relative. This room is a space to connect with other covid-safe people to geek out on all things geography. Quiz each other with a playful game of Geoguesser or screen share and scroll around on google maps to get a “lay of the land.” Anything geography goes!
4/4 Still Coviding. Room Descriptions, FAQ, Zoom link & more on the guide doc: Someone Still Coviding is... Taking the ongoing pandemic seriously by following the science & using a layered approach to mitigating contracting, or spreading covid. Wearing a high filtration mask when in public or in general when spending time with people from outside their home. Is testing isolating, & quarantining when appropriate & for safer gatherings. Avoiding crowded public areas unless necessary, especially indoors. Not dining inside and mindful of air quality, using ventilation & filtration whenever possible as a form of covid risk mitigation. There is a wide community of people who are still coviding, & many who have organized a variety of community spaces, events, groups, and platforms  on the resource doc for these virtual spaces.