🔥On Saturday, Indigenous leaders joined My Sea to Sky to call for the B.C. Government to cancel the permits for Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC's fracked gas pipeline. The risks to our climate, health, safety, economy, and environment are too great. #CancelthePermits#StopWoodfibreLNG#StopFortisBC#bcpoli

Chief Na'Moks listens to Squamish Nation Elder Tioutenaat Jackie Williams and her daughter Sewainchelwat Jaime Williams for a Witness Ceremony. A red, orange, and yellow banner reads "Stop Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC from harming our Climate Health Safety Economy Environment. Cancel the Permits."
Indigenous leaders and settlers march carrying umbrellas and signs in the shape of a fire emoji that read "Cancel the Permits."
Chief Na'Moks and Sewainchelwat Jaime Williams at a rally calling to cancel the permits for Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC

Last night residents packed Squamish Municipal Hall to tell council to reject Woodfibre LNG's floating work camp... again! There will be a second public hearing after the community demanded more information.

Updated: Squamish council pushes floatel decision off into future
Updated: Squamish council pushes floatel decision off into future

At the June 4 meeting, council referred the TUP for the WLNG floatel back to muni staff; Woodfibre LNG 'dismayed with the ongoing delay.'


Woodfibre LNG's floating work camp is a boat that shouldn't float. Click below to learn more, send a letter, and RSVP to attend the council meeting in Squamish on June 4, 2024.

The boat that shouldn't float | My Sea to Sky
The boat that shouldn't float | My Sea to Sky

Woodfibre LNG floating workcamp is being reconsidered by the District of Squamish on June 4, 2024. Find out how you can stop it.


"Regulators and frontline communities need emissions projections and measurements that are independent from the industry." How will air pollution from Woodfibre LNG's flarestack impact nearby communities? Let's find out. #stopwoodfibrelng#bcpoli#cdnpoli#flarestack

Opinion: New study will evaluate potential health impacts of flaring from LNG facility in Squamish
Opinion: New study will evaluate potential health impacts of flaring from LNG facility in Squamish

Regulators and frontline communities need emissions projections and measurements that are independent from the industry.


🔥WHAT IS WOODFIBRE LNG? Woodfibre LNG is a fracked gas export facility proposed near Squamish BC in the Átl'ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region. #cancelthepermits#stopwoodfibreLNG#stopfortisbc

Yellow background with text saying "What is Woodfibre LNG? Learn about the proposed fracked gas project near Squamish."
What is Woodfibre LNG? Image showing an artist's rendition of the Liquefaction facility, flare stack, LNG carrier, floating storage units. Text reads "Woodfibre LNG is a fracked gas export facility proposed near Squamish in the Átl'ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region."
Map of Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC pipeline infrastructure, showing the location of pipelines, workcamps, effluent discharge sites, construction yards, worker ferry routes, compressor station, and LNG carrier routes.

This is the epitome of greenwashing! LNG = methane, a fossil fuel that is 86x more potent than CO2. Studies show that BC's LNG will create more GHG emissions than coal and could displace renewables. Clean LNG is a dirty lie.

Calls mount for crackdown on false fossil fuel ads
Calls mount for crackdown on false fossil fuel ads

Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs are calling on the government to address misleading LNG ad campaigns that put B.C. climate change efforts at risk and suggest the fossil fuel is a solution to global


"Squamish-Lillooet Regional District has knocked back a temporary use permit (TUP) for offices and amenities on the site of the Woodfibre LNG project..."

SLRD holds off on allowing minor amenities at Woodfibre LNG
SLRD holds off on allowing minor amenities at Woodfibre LNG

FortisBC requested a temporary use permit for offices and washrooms for the site