"I have to get quiet and listen, and that's when magic often happens." Listen to Molly Giles discuss her book LIFE SPAN and writing life in general with Bill Kenower on the latest episode of Author2Author.


Another feature-length e-book presentation from SRF Heavy Industries Document Division! !

Cover for This One Time mosaic novel with the text: "Your world came apart at the seams and your memories are all confused. Did you even stop existing for a while? Are you even the same person you remember? How many people have you been and what the hell have you been up to? Your life is only moments and your moments have been scattered...."

Get ready to dive into a world of passion & desire with my collection of original, steamy stories. These tales are meant to be devoured rapidly, providing a burst of excitement & pleasure in the midst of your busy day


Happy New Year! Or halfway through the 12 days of Christmas. Please leave the swans at home. They are kind of mean. But with whatever time you have between activities, the book is available on Kindle Unlimited and has quick stories to enjoy. #authorslife#amcreating#storycollection#cutedragon

Author Jenna Eatough's A Magical Christmas Tales Collection 12-14-2023

Hello everyone! I'm back with another sneak peak into the interior of my story collection. This is the header for a flash fiction story, and I think it turned out adorably. What do you think this tale is about? #authorslife#amcreating#storycollection#cutedragon

Author Jenna Eatough's A Magical Christmas Tales Collection Interior header 12-19-2023

I enjoyed creating graphics for A MAGICAL CHRISTMAS TALES COLLECTION. Each story has a snow globe glimpse into the tale. This graphic pairs with the book's about section. Enjoy this interior glimpse!

Author Jenna Eatough's A Magical Christmas Tales Collection Interior graphic 12-16-2023