I made a post about my main canon-divergence AU on discord where I discuss my idea of the show's ending and the future for Viren. I will post this as images with alt text because otherwise it would be a gigantic 🧵. #TheDragonPrince#TDPViren#LumisWriting (1/3) Revival & The Trials

After Aaravos is freed, he keeps Viren's body in stasis until he and Claudia can gather enough ingredients (and collect Claudia's blood over time) to revive him again. They do that and also go forward with Aaravos' plan of vengeance. At some point, however, he realises that he's basically going against Leola's wishes and that if she were alive, she would be heartbroken over all the pain he had caused. He also realises how much pain he's actually caused Claudia. After all, it was him who killed her father and pushed her further down a dark path. 

They finally revive Viren and they surrender. The heroes were really prepping for a big battle and are surprised that it ends so easily. Viren is not happy at first about being brought back. He still feels guilty over everything that he's done but he's ready to face his punishment.
Then come the trials. They're tried in both Lux Aurea and Katolis. The Lux Aurean trials go quite smoothly. Aaravos is trying to take all the blame for the destruction of the city and the corruption of the sunforge for himself, but Claudia refuses to take the "I was manipulated" plea and so does Viren, even though Janai understands that that was pretty much the case. 
Karim still refuses to acknowledge having done anything wrong as he still believes he was doing everything for the good of Lux Aurea xD he's angry at Aaravos for stealing his dragon and Aaravos loves teasing him about it. They all get varying duration of community service dedicated to rebuilding the city and helping the people in need, Aaravos being specifically tasked to heal those afflicted by the corruption.
The Katolian trial is next. Between the trial sessions, Viren confesses to Claudia and Aaravos that he feels guilty for killing king Florian and queen Fareeda and injuring king Ahling. Aaravos warns him that he should keep his mouth shut because this would not end well. However, Viren is a stubborn man and he makes his confession. Everyone is shocked, many are angered, Claudia is on the verge of tears and Soren is very anxious. Despite the complicated feelings he has for his father, he doesn’t want to lose him again. And while Ezran is still angry with Viren, he doesn't want to carry out a death penalty which he knows the other kingdoms will most likely demand. 

They reschedule the trial and have the rulers of the other kingdom present. Viren retells everything as it happened and Aaravos notices that he mostly takes the blame for everything himself, barely mentioning Aaravos at all.
He knows how much Viren’s third death would devastate Claudia so he speaks up and says that he was the one who convinced Viren to do everything. That it was all part of his grand scheme and that if it weren't for him, Viren would've never even considered something like that. 

During the private deliberation between the rulers, Ezran advocates in Viren’s favor and Aanya takes Ezran's side. They all agree that having him work for his crimes is a lot more productive than killing him. More community service it is and this time Viren and Aaravos need to carry theirs out in all five kingdoms. It takes them around a decade to fully serve their punishment but they do get breaks. In that time, Viren completely abandons dark magic and takes up maths as a hobby. He really enjoys differential geometry, functional analysis and mathematical logic.

realization #tdpart#tdpviren


Yeah 😔 #tdpviren


some drawings i did for virrow week i organized on twitter in 2020! #thedragonprince#tdp#tdpart#tdpviren#tdpharrow#virrow#fanart


taking over the virrow tag with past artwork #thedragonprince#tdp#tdpart#tdpviren#tdpharrow#virrow#fanart


Your honor, I love them. How do I tag these idiots? #tdpviren#tdpterry


The family 😔💜 #magefam#tdpviren