A photo surfaced on my phone today from a day out thirteen years ago in Brighton, and it will just about fit the #FensterFreitag#Photography#StreetPhotography#Brighton#WindowFriday

A street scene in a fairly narrow pedestrian alley between shops looking towards the end where there's a junction for more shops to run perpendicular to where we are. The view is compact enough that we can't see too high so there's no indication of the height of the buildings around us but there's a feel of enough age here, hints of old stone among the façades, that suggest thick and tall buildings appropriated for commercial and tourist use. People are walking towards and away from us on the right, all dressed for late in the year; it's a little cold and damp. The clothing is generally dull except for the woman who's the focus of our attention. She has stopped to look down in a shop window. She's dressed in bright red; a skirt below the knees and matching jacket, all fairly tight fitting and of thick material. She has blonde hair and wears knee-high black boots. The shop name behind her at the junction reads "naked" and "tea and coffee company" beneath that. To the left there is a shop window near us that reflects most of the people to the right we can see but not the woman in red herself. In addition we can see some of the buildings opposite with large multiple-paned Georgian windows in their brick exteriors.

I met her buyin' iced tea at the corner mini mart


I'm going to do some more posts about Bodum products on #StarTrekTNG in the coming days, I'm sorry if that's not your cup of tea! ;-)


Tea is so delicious and perfect to cozy up! Thinking about it, I'm going to make some!


I love Cream of Russian Darjeeling tea.


I don't know much about Russian culture but I think you don't pour your own tea? Is that different for submarine bosses? Or making a point that Ramius isn't fucking around?


Such a ferked errp crenntreeey... Indians have CASINOS now.... ? Hmm... Fancy a KING.. Tea! I meant TEA... #getthehumour


Agus Féile Chois Fharraige fós ar siúl, ar ndóigh. Ní bhím cinnte riamh conas ar cheart imeachtaí níos fadtéarmaí a thaispeáint..


Been to see Suki. Her playing’s really improved. She made me tea.’ ‘Tea? Or tea tea? There’s cottage pie in the oven.’ ‘Tea tea. Actually #chai#VSS365


Drink lots of water, pure water with no flavourings, or if you must have hot drink, drink tea, and get lots of rest 🛏️🥤 we shall feel better soonest x ㅤ