Want to make Halloween more accessible? The #TealPumpkinProject is one way to do so—just be ready with allergy-friendly treats and use a teal pumpkin to show you're taking part! Also, there's an official map you can put yourself on so trick-or-treaters can find you.


For those that participate in the #TealPumpkinProject, what do you plan on offering this year? 💚 The dinos glow in the dark. ✨️


Find out more about the #TealPumpkinProject and put your house on the map at Food Allergy Research & Education.

Teal Pumpkin Project
Teal Pumpkin Project

Make Halloween safer and more inclusive by joining the Teal Pumpkin Project


My son is twelve now. He missed a lot door to doors and Halloweens growing up when he was the age catered to him. Every year, we make a very determined decision to advocate awareness about something many never even think of. We will do #TealPumpkinProject for the rest of our lives.


As we traveled down the road we looked back to shouts of a woman chasing after him with a bag of quarters in hand “Please, is this okay? I NEVER even thought of it!” The #TealPumpkinProject is so very close to my heart.