( for the record, the reason i say church isn’t my jam is actually quite specific and theological; i think the idea that human nature is broken and needs to be improved is troublesome, which may sound weird from a technoutopian but hey)


One thing we wanted to begin outlining is the relay between the discursive inflation around AI—technoutopian visions and PDoom BS—and its extractive relation to labor in the Global South and to nonhuman nature. The merits or faults of AI have to be read against the horizon of capital.


Moving now from solar power in Chile to hydroelectric power in the USSR. Alexei Kojevnikov is speaking on GOELRO, an early Soviet economic recovery & development plan. Large dams and hydropower became important images embodying the technoutopian promise of Communism. #SHOT2024


Isn’t Ord’s thesis that, if we avoid extinction for the next three years, we enter the safe zone wherein we can build this?

A technoutopian society. The ‘society if’ meme.

"Contemporary narratives about sex tech’s origins tend to sidestep issues of race, as if the desire for sex with machines were itself an expression of a technoutopian postracialism." SERIOUSLY


I’d guess that anyone calling you “uncritical” of anything, hasn’t been following you for very long :) Source:…

Howard Rheingold, I wonder if those who cite me as an example of uncritical technoutopian enthusiasm ever read the final chapter of my 1992 book, The Virtual Community#OnlineCommunities #socialmedia #technology Disinformocracy"Virtual communities could help citizens revitalize democracy, or they could be luring us into an attractively packaged substitute for democratic discourse. ", Dec 27, 02:47 PM, hrheingold

Rohde: RSAC’s designers claimed they had successfully merged hard/soft—computational calculation & human judgment. That dream grew out of a 30 year effort to gain traction on the fog of war. A similar technoutopian aspiration persists to this day but security & certainty remain moving targets…#HSS23


Classic Scifi technoutopian: the future will be without labor, and humanity will be free to pursue art, literature, science, and leisure! 21st century techbro: lol, no. You gonna drown in fucking ads for apps that sell more ads. Rent is also due. It's fucking high.