I plan to utilize my skills in knowledge organization, concept mapping, and UI design to create actionable frameworks, improve user documentation, and enhance user experiences in these areas. Currently working at intersection of design, pedagogy, and open-source software.

I am writing a book on designing online tools for self-directed learning.

A tangible goal is to establish a pedagogical framework and a design framework that outline principles to guide product development for edtec tools to transition from competitive model of edu to a non-competitive on. 

The logical end for these project is to serve as a foundation or knowledge base for starting a design agency

I'll be making mindmaps out of the literature I've curated under an overarching theme or argument, then I'll make twitter/mastodon threads out of them. Then an essay out of them, a video out of the essay and finally book chapters out of that and finally book.

In that book there will be UI design prototypes of edtech products, one of them is a product that I will build. Its something called as LMS, a software that helps others build courses.

✨ Cette semaine✨ ⏱ Mardi : On attaque un VOLCAN dans Elden Ring ⏱ Mercredi : Domoooo on joue à Shashingo, un jeu trop mignon qui nous permet d'apprendre le Japonais ⏱ Samedi : On react sur le thème de la politique dans les jeux vidéo ⏱ Dimanche : Le Tweet Game chez Plonk


This idea is so incredibly stupid Added it

Screenshot from the YouTube-Music Android app.
The current screen displays a Playlist editor, editing a playlist called "Driving Skool".
There is one song in the playlist. It's the Title theme from the SNES game "Super Mario Kart"

Der Krimitipp auf SR 3: Martin Walker ›Im Chateau‹


Oh god 🙄 I used to work in a Mexican restaurant chain in the UK. We had to play music provided by head office only. It was lovely and really suited the theme, created the right atmosphere and just gave it that identity that wouldn’t have worked at all with any other type of music


In my very brief sojourn as part of late night radio show team on University Radio York (back in the day) - before being taken off the air - this was our programme theme music


I think he wrote the theme song to CHiPs


Et si tu en faisait une cool avec un dessin tous les 4 genre avec des potes qui dessinent aussi ? Le thème genre : un thème choisi par pote. Et oui tu vas prendre "coléoptère".


ShoqScope - ShoqWave Multimedia

A preview of the Mac theme "ShoqScope" by "ShoqWave Multimedia"