A question on #EmploymentAndSupportAllowanceAndUniversalCredit tabled by Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck on 04-10-2024 has been answered by Sir Stephen Timms.


A question on #SocialSecurityBenefits tabled by Bell Ribeiro-Addy on 04-10-2024 has been answered by Sir Stephen Timms.


The art by Jon Timms, Travis Mercer, Hi-Fi, Adriano Lucas, Pete Pantazis, Rex Lokus, and Dave Sharpe's lettering are all top-notch too!! This is easily the best Absolute Power tie-in!


Do political donors get text messages for when their profits are about to be taxed so they can move them somewhere else? Or does that information get delivered over an expensive dinner? "We think you're earning too much", what a thing to say to those on […] [Original post on]

25mago 15.50 BST

Carer's allowance claimants could get text message alerts warning if they are breaching earnings limits, MPs told

The government is considering the rollout of a text message service to stop carers breaking overpayment rules on carer’s allowance, MPs have been told. The carer’s allowance crisis has led to more than 100,000 carers having to repay large sums because, often inadvertently, they breached the earnings limit. Under DWP rules, people who do this have to repay all the allowance they received, not just a portion representing overpayment.

Asked about this in the Commons, Stephen Timms, a welfare minister, said: A4 We want to get to the bottom of what’s gone wrong with these overpayments, why so many people have been caught out.

We have been piloting the introduction of a text message service, that involves texting 3,500 claimants to alert them when they HMRC informs DWP that the claimant has breached the current earnings limit.

🎨 ARTE & Transporte! Amanhã na POLI, na USP Artful Journeys: the Role of Art in Transport Palestra com Paul Timms (Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds) Terça-feira 15 de outubro de 2024, 14h - 15h30 Sala S04, Edifício de Engenharia Civil da Escola Politécnica da USP


#Superman 13 publicada no Brasil pela Panini Comics foi a leitura do dia! Eu, Bizarro - Parte Um (I, Bizarro - Part One). Action Comics 1061. Escrita por Jason Aaron com arte de John Timms. Apocalypse no Inferno (Apocalypse in Hell). Escrita por Dan Watters com arte de Eddy Barrows e Eber Ferreira


Bruce timms recently claimed that there aren't any good villains in Batman which is why he had to create and gender bend some as if Harley Quinn and Poison ivy or Talia or in terms of heroes Zatanna or Black Canary we're not all right there. They don't actually want to highlight those characters.


Old centaur drawing i did! Was trying to replicate Bruce Timms art style! A lot of fun, I'll have to do some more style challenges


I listened to these records today

Q and Not U - No Kill No Beep Beep
Shellac - To All Trains
Timms, Sally - Somebody’s Rocking My
Clark - The Last Panthers