Wenn nicht allein im BubVerfGH sitzen mag, hätte ich auch Zeit. Ist ja eh Tradition, dass sowas nicht mit Vollzeitjurern besetzt wird.


No. It just turns into a cultural tradition. 😁


Baldur's gate 3 soup alert

An item in Baldur's Gate 3: "Everything Soup", worth 5 camp supplies (pretty good food item).  The description reads as follows:
"Also called 'welcome soup', this broth is named for the halfling tradition of frantically raiding the pantry or garden upon the unexpected arrival of a guest".

The birthday pie tradition continues. Even made a savory pie this time. Never get a picture of slices, no one ever wants to wait for that

A golden crusted baked chicken pot pie in square white ceramic dish with squares handles. Birthday guy is holding it out for the photo  while a fluffy grey tabby in the back left looks offended it wasn’t offered to him
A very balanced meal set on a warm brown wooden table. In the center left is another golden crusted baked chicken pot pie in round glass deep pie dish with a puff pastry M baked into the top and on the right a bowl freshly baked bread slices. The deal is you get what you want for your birthday and this year he wanted carb on carb action
Another golden crusted baked pie in a glass dish. This one is an apple pie with coarse turbinado sugar baked into the crust. The vent holes are cut in a circular pattern with the smaller slashes made into M shapes
Not technically a pie, but a crusty baked crumble in cream rimmed rectangular baking dish. The crumble topping is toasty brown with oat flakes and pecan pieces poking out. The jeweled red filling is bubbling up from underneath. It’s a mix of pears, apples, cranberries with ginger, cardamom and clove spices mixed in

Every now and again I think about the ongoing scam that is academic publishing and indeed copyright. So many venues require copyright transfer and now they can sell our work to whomever including LLM companies. Simple wealth transfer to rentiers for little reason other than tradition.


Ach naja das hat ja fast schon Tradition. In den Zwanzigern haben die auch lieber die Kommunisten bekämpft statt der Nazis.


Celebrating October with a new tradition for me - watching a marathon of old Treehouse of Horror episodes.


Als auf deutsch-nationale Tradition. Dagegen ist ja Mr 'siewerdensichnochwunder...' ein Sympathieträger.