Now free for all to read... After arriving at LAX aboard a Fiji Airways flight, the question was: "How do I get to my hotel in the Downtown?" So I caught the train: #LA#LosAngeles#Train#Trains#Tram#Trams#Airport#LAX


Orkar inte med sÄna "sÀker-pÄ-sin-sak-pseudovetenskapligt-hÀlsokost-trams-kvinnor" som försöker övertala en till att svÀlja tolvtusen vitpepparkorn och gnaga pÄ en ingefÀra samtidigt som man sitter i LotusstÀllning med gurkskivor indrÀnkta i kollidalt silver pÄ ögonen och honung under nÀsan


Awww we were not on splash-out budget, we stayed at Pop Century which is one of the “value” resorts - but it’s got those sky trams now so that’s fun


De mÄste vara vÀldigt besvikna att jag nÀstan bara skriver pÄ engelska o mest postar trams


Die App spinnt
. Sie schiebt den Ausfall aller Trams einfach jeweils 1h nach hinten 😂 aber gut, ich bin jetzt unterwegs und vertraue darauf, wieder zurĂŒckzukommen 😎


Wish more metros went for proof of pay, it really makes for such good stations. Not just in being cheaper, but the user experience is the best Gonna blame switzerland for being too enamored with trams


Somehow got into Melbourne. trying my hardest not to express envy from all these woke trams flooding the city #transport


C'est trĂšs possible. Je me faisais cette remarque d'ailleurs aussi : les hĂŽtels, les gares, les trams, les mĂ©tros, les quartiers modernes, sont Ă  ce point tous identiques qu'il doit ĂȘtre trĂšs facile Ă  certaines personnes d'avoir l'impression de ne jamais changer vraiment de lieu.


Hell yeah, support public transport! I wanna be able to ride trams through the city and trains across country rather than always driving for hours or flying to distant places


Source: A-bombed tram in Hiroshima runs same route as 75 years ago 75 years later, as more new models of low-floor trams have been introduced, the only remaining trams that survived the bombing are Nos. 651 and 652 that are still in operation and No. 653, which runs only during the annual event:

A-bombed tram in Hiroshima runs same route as 75 years ago | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis
A-bombed tram in Hiroshima runs same route as 75 years ago | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

HIROSHIMA--When the tram started running again here only three days after the U.S. atomic bombing, 14-year-old Satoko Sasaguchi served as the conductor for the somber ride amid the devastated city.