1 AM & Still Need Help $850 Groceries $50 each $795 Eviction PAST DUE 🆘URGENT 🦃24 people on the list for Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner who still need sponsors No more can be added ‘til these Moms are covered Reach Out & I will connect u directly or PayPal/etransfer


Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey is pretty damn close, Qatar, and The island fortress of Diego Garcia


If I had a superpower it would entirely depend on what it was. Let's go: Flight : I'd just fly around instead of driving, nbd. Make travel easier, I'd probably be in Turkey if I could navigate there. Invisibility: I'd probably use it to sneak onto airplanes and get free flights.


🔔#Earthquake (#deprem) M2.9 occurred 15 km SE of #Kahramanmaraş (#Turkey) 7 min ago (local time 06:53:06). More info at: 📱


I maintain that this is actually a turkey in a slanket.


Turkey in the Straw still gives me staggers.


QRT with an unknown/forgotten - or a famous - fox character! A Winter Story is an adorable Christmas cartoon about a young fox who befriends a turkey. I used to watch this all year round as a kid.


Three days of rain in Northern Virginia made for a nice mushroom hunt on Saturday in my favorite park. 📷 #mushrooms#photography#fungifriends

A closeup of a bunch of small light brown mushrooms growing out of the side of a fallen log on dark brown bare wood where the rough dark gray bark has fallen away.
A section of a fallen branch hanging just over the forest floor covered with brown young turkey tail mushrooms having a light brown frilly fringe that verges on yellow on the newest growth. This creates a striking contrast to the above dark browns of decaying leaves on the forest floor.
A closeup of a clump of several small mushrooms growing out of well decayed log mostly buried in the forest floor. With translucent caps colored a very light brown at the top to an off-white at the edge, the undersides have thick gills unattached to the stem. The stem is long and thin white at the cap gradating to a dark brown at the base which are covered with fine white hairs. The foreground is leaf litter, and behind the log is a bright sunlit woods outside the field of focus.

Found turkey vultures again! This time something definitely didn’t smell too sweet on this portion of the trail so I guess that explains these guys. 🦉🪶 (Sorry these aren’t very clear. TVs move around a lot more than owls and it was very low light)

A turkey vulture sits on a branch, picking at something with its beak.
A turkey vulture sits on a branch, picking at something with its beak.
A turkey vulture sits on a branch, picking at something with its beak.