If you want to control more than you want to compromise, then you’re not kingdom building. You’re seeking tyranny.


Conservatives are so ignorant. They make things up about what made America the leader of the free world. It was simply our form of government and our institutions. The very things MAGA wants to destroy. When they’re gone, what’s left? Hate and tyranny. Good luck with that.


And retroactively "denaturalize" their citizen children, too! There are so many different insane acts of tyranny planned that it's a good baseline assumption that NO ONE anywhere in the country is safe if Trump gets elected.


Tyranny in a simple sign.


what he is literally pitching to his base is that he weaponize government agencies against normal residents. he is proposing federally sanctioned violence against -not just his direct opponents- but anyone he wishes to target or control. this is a new level of tyranny


#NZpol Unpleasant Lunchtime Thoughts. If this govt's mass privatisation agenda isn't enough to shake the shit out of enough people by now, and which we *know* will only lead to *a complete and utter socioeconomic debacle* as we become "Someone Else's Country" AGAIN... JFCOMGWTF we're *truly* gone.

"The tyranny of mere wealth is destroying our democracy. 

Wealth without responsibility will inevitably lead to a society that eats itself from within and tears itself apart. 

It is policy being led by ideology, not economic necessity, in the same way a neocon agenda was given its head in the US after the 9/11 attacks under the guise of "homeland security measures"

Michael Sheen, New Statesman

Even when the data is in.

Cover of Levitsky and Ziblatt's How Democracies Die
Cover of Levitsky and Ziblatt's Tyranny of the Minority

[war criminal] Netanyahu [ironically] calls for the “forces of light in the world” to unite against Tehran: “They must stand by Israel. The choice has never been clearer between tyranny and freedom, between blessing and curse” 🔗

Netanyahu says Iran made a ‘big mistake’ with missile attack and ‘will pay for it’
Netanyahu says Iran made a ‘big mistake’ with missile attack and ‘will pay for it’

Palestinian killed by shrapnel in West Bank * IDF chief says Israel 'will choose' when to retaliate * Biden says US in 'active discussion' with Israel on how to respond to Tehran


“The Front considers the coordinated and unified response of the Axis of Resistance as a necessary reaction after the enemy overstepped all limits in its tyranny and brutality, initiating a new phase of deterring this enemy on the path to its complete defeat.” —>


“We call on the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to trust their capabilities, and to move in support of the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples and rise up in the face of American tyranny, to put an end to this brutal arrogance.” —>