To protect global privacy, freedom of expression, and human rights more broadly, the #UNCybercrimeTreaty must be firmly rejected. The United States must vote against the treaty at the UN General Assembly.

The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy
The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy

A detailed analysis of the human rights and digital privacy implications of the United Nations Convention Against Cybercrime.


The #UNCybercrimeTreaty received unanimous support despite jeopardizing human rights by expanding government surveillance without adequate safeguards, EFF’s Katitza Rodriguez wrote for Just Security. States must not adopt it without reforms to reduce its harms.

The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy
The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy

A detailed analysis of the human rights and digital privacy implications of the United Nations Convention Against Cybercrime.


“It’s a blank check for abuse because it has a very broad scope for domestic and cross-border spying and surveillance and a lack of robust checks and balances,” EFF’s Katitza Rodriguez told the Associated Press of the disastrous #UNCybercrimeTreaty.

The UN is moving to fight cybercrime but privacy groups say human rights will be violated
The UN is moving to fight cybercrime but privacy groups say human rights will be violated

The United Nations is imposing the rule of law on cyberspace with a new global deal requiring a crackdown on the illegal misuse of computer technology.


Arbitrary surveillance enabled by a global treaty is the antithesis of a just world. Read EFF’s Veridiana Alimonti and Derechos Digitales' Michel Roberto de Souza on why Brazil should champion strong human rights safeguards in the #UNCybercrimeTreaty negotiations.

ONU pode fechar pacto global de vigilância arbitrária; o que fará o Brasil?
ONU pode fechar pacto global de vigilância arbitrária; o que fará o Brasil?

O Comitê da ONU que discute um tratado global sobre cibercrime está reunido em Nova York e o que for decidido por ele vai pavimentar os rumos de um mundo com poderes de vigilância excessivos ou, ao co...


Letztes Jahr hatte das #BMJ#UNCybercrimeTreaty mehr Elan an den Tag legt […]


The risk is clear: Without strong privacy protections in the #UNCybercrimeTreaty, we face increased government overreach, unchecked surveillance, and transnational repression. Countries must stand firm: defeat the treaty or limit its scope.

UN Cybercrime Draft Convention Dangerously Expands State Surveillance
UN Cybercrime Draft Convention Dangerously Expands State Surveillance

This is the third post in a series highlighting flaws in the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. Check out Part I, our detailed analysis on the criminalization of security research activities, and


The latest #UNCybercrimeTreaty draft “requires a complete overhaul towards a more focused, narrowly defined approach to tackle cybercrime,” EFF’s Katitza Rodriguez told The Record by Recorded Future News. “Human rights must be the treaty's cornerstone, not an afterthought.”

On eve of final negotiations, US says consensus growing around ‘narrow’ UN cybercrime treaty
On eve of final negotiations, US says consensus growing around ‘narrow’ UN cybercrime treaty

A State Department official said the U.S. is holding firm in its desire for a scaled-back version of an international cybercrime treaty, with a final round of negotiations starting later this month.