✨ Piazzale degli Uffizi: una finestra sul passato Un'immagine che ci mostra il Piazzale degli Uffizi in un momento di quiete. Uno dei luoghi più famosi di Firenze, in cui arte e architettura si incontrano. #Uffizi#PiazzaleDegliUffizi#Firenze#ArteFiorentina#FirenzeDaScoprire#Vasari#Toscana


Piero della Francesca's birthdate is not known but he died

Piero della Francesca's birthdate is not known but he died #OnThisDay in 1492; Piero's' double portrait of Urbino's Duke Federico da Montefeltre & his wife Battista Sforza hangs in Florence's Uffizi as a tribute to one of the most famous of all Renaissance men

#ClassicsTober24 Day 12 is Homer. A figure who has influenced countless stories, poetry, and art. The question about Homer’s historicity may never be settled, but the inspiration left behind is undeniable. Just one example is ‘The Suitors’ by Gustave Moreau:

This painting shows the suitors in complete disarray. Description from the Musée National Gustave Moreau: “Ulysses, on his return to Ithaca, massacres the young princes who had been courting his wife Penelope during his absence. He is depicted holding his bow in the background of the painting, with an owl on his head, the animal attribute of Minerva. The goddess appears, towering over this scene of carnage, her body surrounded by a halo, like a Christ at the Last Judgment. In this profusion of bodies, several figures stand out: on the right, the androgynous figure of a young man dressed in blue (inspired by a classical sculpture of the god Atys, copied at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in 1858); in the centre, a figure of the prince-poet kneeling down and leaning on a lyre personifying Phemios, the aed (singer of epic poetry), whom Ulysses spared at the request of his son Telemacus.”

Art museums only… 1. Uffizi Gallery, Fierenze 2. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao 3. Musée National Picasso, Paris


Florence, Italy is worth visiting just for two museums: Uffizi Gallery (a vast collection of Italian Renaissance paintings and sculptures), and Galleria dell'Accademia (home of Michelangelo's David)


As I head to bed, not for the first time since reading The Divine Comedy, I wonder where Dante ended up 🤔 Sleep well my lovelies 🤗

The death mask of Dante Alighieri at the Uffizi Galleries, Florence.

A photo by me, June 2025.

🎨 Paolo Uccello, maestro della prospettiva e della fantasia! Noto per la sua frase «Oh, che dolce cosa è questa prospettiva!», è uno degli artisti più visionari del Quattrocento. 🌟✨ #PaoloUccello#ArteItaliana#Firenze#BattagliaDiSanRomano#Uffizi#StoriaDellArte#Rinascimento


🎨 Paolo Uccello, maestro della prospettiva e della fantasia! Noto per la sua frase «Oh, che dolce cosa è questa prospettiva!», è uno degli artisti più visionari del Quattrocento. 🌟✨ #PaoloUccello#ArteItaliana#Firenze#BattagliaDiSanRomano#Uffizi#StoriaDellArte#Rinascimento


1) Uffizi Gallery, Florence 2) National Portrait Gallery, DC 3) Cleveland Museum of Art #3 is not a bit. Cleveland was seriously underwhelming but that museum is an incredible collection in a beautiful space