E depois de um sombrio período entre temporadas, a gravação do episódio #73 do VNPS marca o retorno do nosso amante de animais favorito, Diogo Furukawa! Vem pra live!


Have you considered how much more knowledge gets around the room when students can see each other’s work? What are the benefits of students seeing others’ rough draft work? Some 🤔 for VNPS and @wipebook fans who want #MoreMath, courtesy of CPM summer PL.

Teachers working in groups in a classroom.
Teachers working in groups in a classroom.
Teachers working in groups in a classroom.

How do you support students standing and working? Do you make agreements? Pass the marker? What else? And how are you setting up your students for success? Some 🤔 for VNPS and Wipebook fans who want #MoreMath, courtesy of CPM summer PL.

Two students in front of a whiteboard. One is holding a pink marker. The whiteboard shows a number line with percentages.
A Wipebook with a Y chart drawn on it.

A2 I start each class with a non routine task, use VNPS and visibly random groupings. Along with using #NoticeWonder#ElemMathChat


VNPs parem de tumultuar


As I prepare for the new school year, here is my list of things to do. What’s your list?

CRA Approach to instruction

Get students talking to each other and building upon each other’s ideas

Let students explore before I explain

Incorporate VNPS more often to increase engagement

MY GO TO REVIEW. Make sheets with topic title on top (5-10 topics), hand out sets in order. Students write all they can about their topic for x min then pass sheets 'til everyone has seen every topic plus a couple extra. All who ended with the same topic go to the same VNPS to condense key points.


“I enjoyed the time in job-alike or school-alike groups in the afternoon with more time to process, ask questions, and dive into resources.” The deadline is approaching! Register today at

A dark blue and light gray flier for a CPM professional learning experience. Within two circles are candid photos of teachers working on problems while standing at a VNPS or surrounding a projection screen. The text at the top of the flier is: “National Teacher Institute—Salt Lake City, Utah— You’re Invited.” The text below the photos is a quote from a professional learning event participant: “‘I really enjoyed the equity session in the morning with Dr. Jonee Wilson, and it gave me lots to think about! I also enjoyed the time in job-alike or school-alike groups in the afternoon with more time to process, ask questions, and dive into resources..’ –Site Based Leadership Academy, 2023.” The text within a dark blue half-circle at the bottom of the flier is: “June 24th–28th, Registration closes May 20th.” To the right of that is a URL:

“I love meeting different people from different cities and seeing how they teach a lesson.” The May 20 deadline is approaching! So register today at

A dark blue and light gray flier for a CPM professional learning experience. Within three circles are candid photos of teachers working on problems while standing at VNPS or seated together at tables. The text at the top of the flier is: “National Teacher Institute—Salt Lake City, Utah— You’re Invited.” The text that follows is a quote from a teacher who attended a professional learning event: “‘I love meeting different people from different cities and see how they teach a lesson. The lesson planning is great to do and get feedback.’ –Foundations of Core Connections Participant, 2023.” The text within a dark blue half-circle at the bottom of the flier is: “June 24th–28th, Registration closes May 20th.” To the right of that is a URL: