Pornic - Sam 05/10/24

Port de Pornic à marée basse. Au loin on distingue les bâtiments et sur la gauche le château de la ville. Les bateaux sont posés sur la vase. Au premier plan, un anneau d'amarrage rouillé.
Port de Pornic à marée basse. Au loin on distingue les bâtiments et sur la gauche le château de la ville. Les bateaux sont posés sur la vase.
Maison de bord de mer de couleur crème. La maison est construite sur plusieurs niveaux et trois cabines de plage sont visibles au pied du bâtiment. En arrière plan derrière la maison, un arbre se dresse devant un ciel bleu.
Vue sur la mer depuis une plage. Au centre de la photo une digue sépare la mer en deux parties distinctes. Le soleil brille en haut à gauche dans un ciel bleu avec une bande de nuages à l'horizon.

Gravestone in the Form of a Lekythos

This Attic grave marker is in the form of a lekythos, a type of vase commonly left as a grave offering. On it is a scene in relief with inscriptions. At the right a bearded man wearing a himation (cloak), whose name “Timophon” is inscribed, clasps hands with a woman wearing a himation and mantle with the inscribed name “Lysistrate.” Below and between them is a girl identified by an inscription as “Kleippe.” At the left is an unidentified woman, likely a nurse, holding an infant. The scene probably commemorates Lysistrate’s death in childbirth. Her newborn child apparently survived.

Today's vibes 🥰💙📚 Feat. debut novel! 🥰

A photo of a small vase of flowers next to an iced coffee with a booked called A Con Affair laid out on a Cafe table

Yay! Someone has just ordered Heather's 'Clematis in Kintsugi Vase' limited edition linocut print. There's gold ink on the vase which doesn't photograph very well. The customer is in for a lovely surprise when it arrives. Find the print here>

Print of Clematis in Kintsugi vase.
WIP of Clematis print.

This episode of Antiques Roadshow better be a banger! I’m going to need at least a £1m vase found in the back of a grandmothers cupboard to take the sting out of that half!


Today’s Garden Lovelies🌹. Spring I’ll add a few other plants, so I have some variety.

A few beautiful pale pink roses in a small crystal vase.