WYNC, 8/20: Dr. Fauci On A Life Of Medical Research & Public Service Host: "So, is there anything we can do about Long COVID? What do we know about it?" Fauci: "We don't know a lot about it. There's a lot of people working on it, there's a lot of money..

Dr. Fauci On A Life Of Medical Research And Public Service | Science Friday | WNYC Studios
Dr. Fauci On A Life Of Medical Research And Public Service | Science Friday | WNYC Studios

Dr. Anthony Fauci has a long history with Science Friday. Ira first met him in the early 1980s while covering the HIV/AIDS epidemic. He has been a frequent guest on the program, discu...


I got a team up with's All Things Considered. It's pretty important to me, give it a listen/look if you're interested in immigration. 3pm on KCRW and 4PM on WYNC. 4pm for the WLRN homies too. I wish I was there.

A couple stand together next to a fire in a desert landscape.

Caption: A Colombian couple huddles for warmth before dawn. Overnight temperatures at the Moon Camp fall below freezing and many migrants burn brush and rubbish to stave off the cold. (Ash Ponders for NPR)

WYNC Studios has officially lost its remaining marbles. There better be a bidding war for the Death, Sex, and Money #podcast.


What podcasts do you enjoy?

The podcast, Radiolab by WYNC Studios
The podcast, Design Exchange by Gensler
The podcast, 99% Invisible with Roman Mars
The podcast, Invisibilia by NPR