Symbolism may not be technically accurate. All things are metaphors. #WakeFinneganOpera //\\


"I'll work you up into a frenzy But God this baggage is heavy"

The Who Quadrophenia Bell Boy Cover
The Who Quadrophenia Bell Boy Cover

This is my latest audio/video project. Kind of my take on The Who album, Quadrophenia. Wicked big thanks to all my incredibly talented friends and family that put up with me. Gerald Doughty on the bass guitar. We managed to get some recording done between laughs. Matthew Marrello plays the trumpets. "Heart Attack Matt”. I think we ended up with about 16 trumpet tracks. All recorded in one evening on the fly with no charts. Thats just how we roll. Quinn Wilson on the drums. My partner in crime. Meat and potatoes. Every building needs a solid foundation. I would gig with him anytime. Nick Taaffe on vocals. As usual we nailed it on the first take. Then we just sat around and laughed for a few hours. Always great to get caught up with old friends. Thank you guys so much for your help. I could never do these things without such talented peeps in my life. Quadrophenia. Arguably their greatest work. Released in October of 1973 to critical acclaim. It was yet another rock opera. A follow up from Tommy. A story about a troubled chap with four separate personalities represented by four musical themes. It was also released in quadrophonic sound where each musical theme plays from a different speaker and then join in the center at the end of the album. I was attracted to this tune because of the counter melodies. Alone they are simple but when combined They create a thick, complex chunk of rock music. With all the layered tracks and ambient mics I ended up with about 60 audio tracks and hours of video. I was able to use a lot of my “vintage” outboard gear throughout the process. Great fun to mix if your into that kind of stuff. Thanks for taking the time to listen and read. We hope you enjoy it.