The last of my homebrew maps (so far). Warmpool, the home capital of the Dwarves which is located deep under ground in the middle of the Frozen Waste. More lore on the TH page -

Digital illustration of a fantasy city map labelled "Warmpool", built around a hexagonal pool of water with geothermal pools to the top right and the bottom left which are cut short by a chasm labelled as "The Abyss". Other labelled areas are "The Turntable" indicated by an amphora and the "Story Halls" which are symbolised by a snake like dragon with many orange eyes along it's side.

I've been working on a homebrew DnD setting and recently finished some maps! First one to showing the places I have fleshed out so far. This setting was just me exploring the idea of some very hands on gods, their interactions and how it would affect the people living in their world. #art

Digital illustration of a fantasy map covered in fog of war clouds with several clearings. At the top left is an ocean labelled "The Vast Expanse", a port town labelled "Tarilyle" near a small forest and purple swamp area with a much bigger forest and a town labelled "Avarus" in between the two terrains. A little below and to the right is a town labelled "Goldenvale" sitting in vast wheat fields. Above and to the right is a town labelled "Prasca" near fields, a small forest, marshland and a large canyon. Below Goldenvale is a town labelled "Valasia" below some jagged mountains and next to a forest. At the very bottom right is a town labelled "Warmpool" in a white space labelled "The Frozen Waste".

Tropical SSTs went sky high the last months - SSTs above 28°C - here from an index perspective: Extreme amounts of deep convection going on since months intensifying high-pressure systems somewhere else by upper "hot" air currents (Rossby waves).

Western Hemisphere Warm Pool
Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area warmer than 28.5° C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific. Based on HadISST and NOAA OI SST (for latest value). Climatology is 1971-2000.  - - despite a La Nina developing we reach again high values and we had very high numbers which go again up...
Pacific Warmpool Area Average
Definition: area averaged SST: 60E-170E, 15S-15N Dataset: NOAA ERSSTV5 1948-present
Climatology: 1981-2020
Also available: Long version (1854-present). - this one went also sky high.
So despite a La Nina trying to develop lots of deep convection over exceptional large and warm areas which have reached record highs - produces lots of "hot" upper air currents that come down in high-pressure systems intensifying them.