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C'est un grand canapé avec des trucs autour Et le vomi a été placé à un point stratégique, à l'endroit le moins accessible à portée de bras c'est à dire sous l'angle de la méridienne. Le bouger c'est mettre au moins un de ses pieds dedans.

Mon canapé d'angle

After 15 years of work with Rosemary Leith to make the web more accessible, affordable and a trusted space for all we wind down the Web Foundation to focus on building pro-human systems that respect and empower individuals. Huge thank you to all involved.


The Twitten Tussle continues in Hove. It's good to see local people demanding that non-vehicular rights of way are respected and accessible.

Hove twitten row erupts again
Hove twitten row erupts again

The row over a blocked twitten erupted again this week when council workers turned up to carry out an assessment.


Could you clarify why danger quotes are put around "data" WRT to Excel spreadsheets. I have used, and continue to use them as a tool. I have also shared them on OSF. I will probably continue to do so too, they are extremely accessible for people. Am I now under suspicion?


Firstly is expanding cobblestone generation capacity - upping production from 16 cobblestone per generator per second to 64. I’ll need iron like whoa but with crushing wheels accessible that gets a lot easier.


...with the specific aim of making it accessible to companies and organisations building generative AI models. LAION downloaded approximately 50 billion images (including mine) and ran some automated checks to make sure the alt text was relevant to the image.


👍 “Rail travel must be made accessible, attractive and affordable if Scotland is to shift people from road to rail travel and meet its climate targets.” Aslef, a train drivers union, is taking a particularly hard line on the decision to restore peak fares, describing it as “a tax on workers”.

Train drivers’ union calls on government to ‘think again’ on peak rail fares
Train drivers’ union calls on government to ‘think again’ on peak rail fares

The decision to end the trial scrapping peak fares means an anytime return ticket between Glasgow and Edinburgh now costs £31.40 instead of £16.20.


(1/2) A l’époque de ma 1ère visite de la Base Linus Torvalds (Juillet 2023) nous avions repéré par hasard un autre bâtiment lors de notre arrivée. Un bâtiment lié à la base située non loin de là. Le lieu avait l’air accessible, mais par manque de temps nous n'y étions pas allé.


If you find I've passed (not planning it!), blame American capitalism & the lack of universal, accessible healthcare. Be more angry than sad, & use that anger for change, not just to eulogize me. Words for the dead are cheap—act now for the living & honor the dead through action.