Watching a movie that takes place in a brothel, and in this brothel they have a leashed panther that the scantily dressed actresses interact with. Petting it and such. Makes me wonder: what’s the insurance situation there?


Do you see how many actors actresses and sports people have died in the last couple of days?


Schitts Creek/Mutt does Christmas movies with Full House actresses overlap Merry Swissmas (Lifetime) with Jodie Sweeten Christmas Town (Hallmark) but this time with Candice Cameron

Promo image for Merry Swissmas - Mutt from Schitts Creek and Jodie Sweeten lean into each other while facing towards the viewer. Mutt has a dark blue winter coat on. Jodie has a red peacoat and black and white scarf on. They appear to be outside with snow falling around them and twinkling christmas lights behind them. Title across the top of the image.
Christmas Town promo image. Candice Cameron is in the foregound, wearing a white sweater and staring out a window towards the viewer. Mutt is standing behind her in a green sweater also looking towards the viewer while holding a white tree ornament. Title in red on the bottom. Hallmark logo in red and white below the the title.

...the fact he isn't in love with some tragically dark vision of the artist; the fact he genuinely seemed to LIKE women & that's why his actresses gave him such huge performances; Russell, for all his inconsistency of quality, was a total master who should be studied more than Kubrick.


#OTD 30 September 1975 Marion Cotillard was born. She became among the most acclaimed French actresses in history, starring in art films like Two Days, One Night & popular films like Inception. She won universal acclaim for portraying legendary singer Édith Piaf in La Vie en Rose


One of my favorite actresses of all time, and an individual with the right amount of grumpiness and humor to make our lives better.


Kris Kristofferson (RIP) with one of my favourite actors (we don’t say actresses anymore do we) Karen Black.


Thank yuh. And honestly not enough people give credit to Heather's and Eileen's voice actresses (SH3 and 4). They did great jobs. (SH4 is so underrated...)


"Brigitte Nielsen... she wanted to date me you know, very beautiful, I could have taken her out... they say there were many other actresses, most of them probably, I don't know but that's what they say."


Are you watching Pachinko? I could just do a whole thread about Pachinko characters. But Sunja anchors the show and give her the spotlight. Both of the main actresses playing with her are nailing it