On Saturday, we had a brief bout of sun. The turtles were out on every available surface in the pond, basking. I couldn't blame them...we were basking, too! #Photography#turtles

At least 8 turtles on a log in a pond covered in green algae.

Sandstone intertidal reefs of Bahia, Brazil. Low intertidal zone with biogenic reefs built by vermetid gastropods and red calcareous algae. Definitely an important nursery ground for fish and crustaceans.


Algae specialist sees eelgrass mysteriously recovering faster in some areas. No clue why. Then there's a tour boat where tourists have been using clickers to count sea otters every day in the same places for 15 years. And wow there is OVERLAP. DATA COLLECTION IS MAGIC.


Hey algae breath, get out of my bar! Another screenshot from #VoyagersofNera

Screenshot from Voyagers of Nera alpha playtest. Character is holding a sword and brandishing at a fish like creature which is holding a spear. They are standing on a wooden dock in front of a Polynesian style building. Blue string lights hang in the doorway. A fire salamander creature floats behind the character.

PSA: don’t mess around with stagnant water, especially if you’re cleaning up after a natural disaster. Wear a respirator if you have to be near it.

A series of Tumblr posts: 

Kids these days don’t know how lethal stagnant water is 

If you’re exploring an abandoned building and find stagnant water, your next sentence should be either, “I am equipping my respirator“ or “I am leaving.“

It’s the 19th anniversary of Katrina and therefore also the 19th anniversary of me and my family getting Catrina cough 

Mold spores and airborne bacteria and algae are not a joke. They kill people. Don’t play in them.

Hell, maybe the chlorine rain will help with algae-tastic tap water idfk


The New Squidbeak Splatoon circa nine years ago. A newly minted Agent, an algae farmboy, an army recruit and a street urchin, all future heroes. (Yeah I've been kind of on a "past" kick lately don't mind me) #Splatoon


Why not just plant a tree? Can an algae tank provide shade? No. Is an algae tank self-cleaning? No. Is an algae tank beautiful to look at? No. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Second set 3/3 - little deer Hello Kitty algae